
:/ depressing? please help me out?

by  |  earlier

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im not happy.

got like no friends cause of al long story.

family fudes alot.

home ALLL day

never kissed a boy =(


ima change my life. wht cani do till than




  1. how old are you?

  2. Go for a walk in the woods and enjoy the scenery.

    Check out the beauty of a sunset.

    Do something nice for someone.

    Visit a lonely neighbor.

    Read to someone in a hospital, or just visit and chat.

    Get out, go shopping or just window shopping.

    Eat some chocolate ice cream.

    You may need to see a counselor and let him/her know what you're going through.

    I often feel like nobody likes me, even my family, that I have no friends, I don't have a life, etc.

    But they do and I do.  

    I'm on medications, and they help, but I still have those times now and then.  Like the last 3-4 days.  You really should talk to someone.

  3. idk ur probably just depressed cuz ur home all day and school hasn't started  

  4. Kissing a boy is not the cure for depression!  It can sometimes even be the CAUSE!  LOL    

    Most everyone feels as you do at sometime in life.  I know that isn't the magic answer, but sometimes just knowing we are not alone helps.    What can you do?  If you're at home all day do something positive for yourself and your surroundings!  Tidy up, paint your room, go out and mow the lawn.   Remember-  no matter what the situation, we are real, and have a purpose.   Find your meaning for this time in your life-  Live don't just exist.   Friends will come more quickly when you are friends with the girl in the mirror.  Do something kind for her, find what she loves!  Learn to play a musical instrument, read good books,  walk in the sunshine.   No one else can or will MAKE you happy,  it's a pretty sad road to walk if you are looking for that.  LIVE- whether at home or at school.   And never, ever think a kiss will make you happy!  It won't.  

  5. do things for other people. that always makes me feel a little bit better when my day(or week) sucks

  6. Well tell yourself this is a year for change.

    1. Make new friends, don't try to get back involved with all the drama. "/

    2. Just try to make peace with your family. Say to yourself, "if they want to make themselves misrable by fighting, let them, i'm staying out of it"

    3. Join clubs, Get a job, Sports, Dance, Acting, make plans, w.e GET INVOLVED it will help take your mind off things.

    4. At the end of each day take like 20 minutes to just relax, listen to music, write in your diary, chill out and just breathe after a hard day. Take time to set your goals

    5. It doesn't matter about the guys, once your confident and happy they'll come running to you.

    Trust me once you get the ball rolling you'll be happy in no time!

  7. well first of all just become a very social person(or try)

    my mom once told if if you want to be happy then be yourself and dont listen to what anyone else told me. and it works and if you want to become social start some clubs or teams and just talk to people and then you`ll have a fun time:D good luck in school wah gr u goin into?

  8. improve what you can.

    look foward to things.

    put the bad things behind you.

    annnnd just try to be happy.

  9. I guess a good thing to do for now is to look forward to :

    1. School

    2. The great future you can think of without your family fighting and with your new friends you'll make in the future

    3. The great times and dates you're going to have with that special guy in the future.

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