
):do you ever just wan't to cry for no reason?

by  |  earlier

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i just want to cry. really hard. for a really long time. :(((

lifee suckss somtimes you know?




  1. No, I can't cry whenever I want... I have to be really sad to cry.

  2. Yeah, usually i''m just PMSing :P

    but then sometimes i just realize life is real, everything is finial, this is what life is going to be unless i do something that completely alters it

  3. lol what does this have to do with sexuality...

    I think you should watch this, it should help.

  4. yea i want to a lot it is because sometimes when something happens that is upsetting and you don't cry and let it out so sometimes when there is nothing to do with out event realizing it you dwell back on the memory and cry thats at least why i do it    

  5. Eh, there's usually a reason... or two. Or twenty. That's when you'll find me pacing some dark street with my hair in Medusa style and my sanity down some nearby drain.

    The great thing about the worst crying sessions, though, is that once I've finally recovered, something really simple or funny can happen and it will be the highlight of my day.

  6. all the time.

  7. Yes. I have recently. But then I started back up on my medication. Now I feel I lost that part of myself.


    When I'm not taking the medication (Zoloft), all I have to do is just listen to a certain song and get worked up over it, then I begin crying/letting out. Just my view and experience.

  8. Yea! if your having a bad day or so yea man just cry it all out.....its happen to me and im pretty sure its happend to many others!

  9. yeah sometimes i do want to cry for no reason like right now i do but just because i feel like it. Life does suck sometimes and it is really hard. Like right now i want to cry

  10. No, but I would think it would be nice to just let all emotion go.  

  11. Hi There,and yes I am a sensitive male and a lot of times I get depressed and I feel like crying instead of yelling really really loud,sometimes I am in a bad mood and other times I am in a good mood, but right now I am in a good mood,why don't you talk to someone you can cry with and get it over with.

  12. yes i know what you mean, and sometimes its good to give you self a day, to just cry, and let it all out. But only a day, then the next day, should only be able to move forward, the best thing about having a really bad day, is that chances are, the next day won't be worse. (most of the time) cheer up. life sucks sometimes but sometimes, its also amazing.

  13. Tears are to the soul as soap is to the body.  

  14. yes but i never do i havent cryed for at least 4 years

  15. I would like to cry sometimes, but I don't because if i did cry. I would never stop!

  16. EWWWWW YOUR g*y!!!!!!

    hah jk buddy i am 2 and proud

    well bi

    omg ur hott! wana go out? seriously!

  17. yeah i know what u mean.i do it too

  18. Scotty,

    Yes, I do for many reasons.  If I were to hug you and embrace you...would that help?  

  19. well true true... but just always rememebr that there is always the bright side.... :)


  20. I do but it's never for no reason, the same things been piling up on me for years

    I just crack every now and then

  21. Not really. However, I used to have those days alot. But when I met my fiance, it just kind of all went away. She brightens up my life without even trying. And when I am feeling like c**p, she always knows how to make it all seem not so bad.

  22. i think its normal... when i feel like that, i just cry and usually i feel relived afterwards...

  23. I cried so hard last night that my eyes are puffy as h**l this morning! hurt so bad ya know..that I just needed that release.

    Maybe you have been suppressing some hidden emotion and thus why you need to cry? If you do then just do it. Do it until it feels better for you. Never hurts to cry even if your a guy..don't be afraid to.


    Awwww.. hope you feel better!       <  ^.^  >

    Much love


  24. Yes I have had those moments.  I have no idea what just makes me come to tears, but I realize it's from things I still haven't let go of from the past.

    This song soothes me

  25. Yes, I want to cry all the time, but there's usually a reason, even if I don't want to admit it.

    I hope by the time you read this you're feeling better. Would a cyber hug help??


  26. Yeah.  And when I do, I just let it out.  It makes no difference.  Just cry.

  27. mann. everyones been having sucky days.

    i wish my hugs are magical soo that everyone...

    is HAPPY!!! gahh, i know it wont help but *hug*

    i dont cry for no reason. BUT when i have a reason...

    im such a big baby! lol. someone has to hold me & tell

    me everything is going to be okayyy!! LOL. i wish you..

    a happy, lovely day tomorrow... ♥peace. ; ]

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