
[[does one person make a differece]]Candace Parker.....?

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Shes My Favorite player...but some ppl think that

she dosent make a difference and one person cant make

a difference on a team....I DONT

i think that one person can make a big difference

this question is not really all about candace parker its

mostly about can one person make a difference on a basketball team

wat do you think??




  1. Yes, it does. Kobe makes his somewhat crappy teammates look like complete players. [No offense, Laker fans]

    CP3 carried his team and made an impressive effort.

    Really, it depends if the player is a leader. LeBron can make a difference, but he acts really young. Probably the reason his teammates don't really see him as a leader and the reason his teammates aren't getting better.

  2. All championship teams have that one player they go to in crunch time,the one player you want the ball in there hands when the game is on the line Like MJ,Kobe or Wade and you have your role player like Posey and Bowens who will step up and hit a big shot,go on the floor for the loose ball,make a hustle play for big a steal it's a team effort.

  3. Candace Parker alone isn't going to make a scrub team a title team, but there hasn't been ANYONE in the WNBA who provides as versatile of a skill set she has.  After all she has perennial all stars Lisa Leslie and Delisha Milton Jones to help her out.  But psychologically, when one superstar comes to a team, the rest of the team sometimes will feel like they now have a chance to do some special things during a season, and yes, one person could make that difference to the team.  Look at KG coming to the Celtics and how excited EVERYONE on the team was when that happened.  And you can't forget how excited Cleveland was when they won the 2003 draft lottery and getting their hometown kid LeBron James, right after their horrible 2002-2003 season.  So in short, my answer to your question is yes.

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