
....don't understand picasa... PLEASE help!!?

by  |  earlier

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the new pics i uploaded onto my computer don't show up on i have to make it search for the new stuff or something??? if so, how?




  1. Picasa will automatically look for your pictures in all the normal places (such as your My Pictures folder) and will display them.

    If you put pictures in some other location, then all you have to do is make sure Picasa looks there too. Here's how:

    1. Go to the Tools Menu

    2. Choose Folder Manager...

    3.In this dialog box, Picasa will have all your folders listed, and an Eyeball in front of all the folders that Picasa scans.

    4. Look for the location of the new images and if you see a red X then Picasa is not scanning that folder. Select that folder by clicking on it.

    5. On the right side of the dialog box, choose the option you want for that folder (to put an eyeball on it for example.)

    6. Click OK

    Now Picasa will always scan this folder and will automatically show you all images, including new images you upload to that folder.

  2. you have to manually look for the folders or the files where the pics are located at.

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