
-eBay Help-?

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My friend won a bid on a wii and he didnt know he bid on it. is there a way to cancel the bid???




  1. I don't think so..... but tell your friend not to worry! I placed a bunch of bids on cool stuff I wanted and won the bids! But never got them, no one ever called me or e-mailed me. So no problem!

  2. Email the seller. Tell him there was a problem and you don't want the item. Tell the seller to cancel the bid.

  3. nope sorry!

  4. If the auction is still running, then you can retract a bid using this link -

    If the auction has finished and he has won the Wii, then you will need to contact the seller and explain that the account looks like it has been hijacked - it's the only explanation if a bid appeared and he did not place it himself.

    The Seller can then start a process to Mutually agree not to complete the sale using this link -

    Although it is listed as a dispute, it is a mutual process, and the seller will get all of their fees back, and the buyer will not get an unpaid item strike.

  5. Im pretty sure there isn't .. sorry
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