
(easy 10 points!) If you were stuck on an island list 5 long term goals. The first being the #! priority.?

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(easy 10 points!) If you were stuck on an island list 5 long term goals. The first being the #! priority.?




  1. 1)  Develop a good water source

    2) Figure out a way to get off the island

    3) Get a food source

    4) Build a good sturdy shelter

    5) Don't lose my mind

  2. 1. determine what resources I have at hand to help in my survival

    2. look for water, food sources

    3. build a shelter

    4. build a fire

    5. look for things I can use as clothing, shoes etc.

    6. build an "SOS" or determine another way to communicate with potential rescuers

    7. determine the feasibility of building a raft or other floatation device to get off the island

    8. Conserve everything I use

    9. Survive & thrive

  3. 1 water

    2 food

    3 shelter

    4 build a network

    5 spend the rest of my useless life answering questions in yahoo answers

    that sould cover the long

  4. 1.Stay alive...

    2.Stay alive...

    3.Stay alive...

    4.Stay alive...

    5.Stay alive...

  5. First I would build a shelter

    Possibly out of sticks, or just a big rock.

    A place with lots of trees.

    Then I would gather food rations, like berries, crabs or whatever I could find

    (I couldn't be too choosy because...well...Im on  a freaking island)

    Then I would make some sort of S.O.S message out of rocks in the sand.

    Then I would play the waiting game....

    After the waiting game failed, I would build some kind of fire to attract a plane or a boat - or a scubadiver - or ANYTHING.

    My sixth step would be to write a novel in my spare time. I mean come on, what else am I gonna do to keep myself busy? Talk to a volleyball? No thanks.

  6. Depending on the Island. If it was Maui I,d party. But of course you mean deserted Island. Basic priorities of Shelter, Warmth, Food, Water, First-Aid (if needed) and Rescue would vary depending on climate, weather, temperature and the condition you are in upon arrival. Lets say a tropical island on a sunny day, then shelter and water would be primary. If it were in Alaska in pouring rain, then Shelter and Warmth would be primary. If injured upon arrival, First-Aid may need to precede everything else. Seeking Rescue may use up energy needed immediately in procuring shelter, warmth, water or food, so it may have to wait. Your question did concern long term goals and I would say rescue and robust shelter as opposed to temporary may be most important. Also procuring a reliable means of supplying yourself with warmth, food and water which may determine where you set up your permanent shelter. Even though your goal is not to stay there permanently. Tom Hanks movie Castaway provides some good examples of a survival situation.

  7. im surprised there is internet on the island you are on i whould just email a friend and tell them to help me

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