
***** eating other b*****s litter ?

by  |  earlier

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My ***** (Cookie) has had two healthy litters and has respectfully been a good mother. However around the time she had her 2nd litter so did two other b*****s I own. Cookie did not like the fact that the other two b*****s had a litter too so she eat their litter, about 4 newborns. She did not touch her own litter, only the other two b*****s. I am scare that she might do something similar in the future. What can i do to prevent this from happening? I tried keeping her away but as soon as she finds a chance she goes after them. What can I do? Any idea why she might eat the other b*****s litter?




  1. Spay them all?  

    Dogs are animals, they have a milleniums-old social structure that you have manipulated and violated.  In any pack there is ONE alpha female and she is the only one allowed to reproduce.  Any other female brash enough to do so is punished, usually by having her litter killed or confiscated (to be raised by the alpha female instead) and the offending female turned into a social outcast.  

    Professional, responsible breeders have discovered many various uses of gates, crates, playpens, x-pens, and other fascinating restraining devices to prevent other dogs from bothering a female with pups.  I don't have to ask what kind of breeder you are, since you had three females with pups at one time in one house.  

  2. That's nature for you.  In the wild, animals will do things like this.  You really need to get your dogs spayed... ALL OF THEM.  You sound to me like you run some sort of puppy mill.

  3. Hmmmm.....what can you do.....?

    SPAY YOUR b*****s

  4. In wolf packs..  breeding is reserved for the ALPHA male and female.  She may be more dominant than the other b*****s, which is why she killed their litters.

    Spay and neuter your dogs and you wont have to worry about them killing puppies.

  5. pray there is no cure

  6. 3 litters at once?  Are you enjoying your tax break as a small business, you PUPPY MILL???

    For God's sake SPAY your poor dogs before their uteruses drop out.

  7. There's this procedure you can do at the vet's office. I recommend doing it for all of your b*****s. It's very helpful.

    It's called getting SPAYED. Look into it.

  8. maybe she wants you to stop being a miller, MILLER. jeez real responsible. 3 litters at the same time? get a REAL job. we dont need any more puppies from people like you. and you should have done your research before dont you think?

  9. Its nature.

    In the wild, packs can generally only provide for ONE litter, so all other litters are eliminated. Typically, the alpha female gets to produce one litter, and the rest are killed.

    YOU need to get your dogs fixed.  

  10. thats a lot of pups there puppy mill comes to mind.

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