
(especially u moms out there!!) ok ive never told my mom, dad, sister ......?

by Guest34261  |  earlier

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that i have had a boyfriend. and today this guy asked me if i wanted to go to the movies. =\ and i kinda want to go cuz he is really cool and i kinda lyk him. hes one of my friends. (the point is) how do i tell my mom that i want to go to the movies with this guy and do u think would this effect our "friendly" relationship? plz help!!! i thankyou so much! i really do appreciate it!!!!! and ill b 15 in about 3 months. moms, dads, sisters, brothers? could u plz help me?




  1. Hi I have a daughter around the same age as you. I think you should tell your mum for sure. Just tell her that you want to be honest with her and that you want to go to the movies with a friend of yours who is a boy, who you kind of like. She will respect your honesty and maturity and im sure she will be fine with it.

    Its best to keep the communication with your mum open, especially cos mums have been teenagers too!!

    Then if you need advice about boys or anything you can talk to her. Dont hide things parents hate that. Its worse when they find out stuff from other people. Then they tend not to trust you and dont let you do as much. But when you be honest they dont have to worry and everyone is cool.

    Have fun on your date!!

  2. just be  honest with them.  tell them that you just want to go see a movie as friends (if thats what it is) im sure they will be cool about it! good luck!! =)

  3. Just sit down and talk to your Mom & Dad and tell them that you really like this boy and would like to go to the movies with him.  Tell them that they can meet him before you go...What movie you are going to go to and what time you will be home.  If they say no don't flip out just calmly try one more time and explain to them that they have no reason not to trust you.  If they still say no just let it go for a little while don't flip out because that will just show them how immature you can be and they will never let you go!

    Good Luck!!!

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