
(fiance in army) justice of the peace marriage..good idea?

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We plan on getting married in May, and neither one of us wanted a wedding (even if we did it probably wouldn't have been possible.) Anyway, he told me if I came up with a good idea for the month of May to let him know. the other day I thought of justice of the peace. I haven't gotten a chance to talk to him yet because he's in deployment training right now and I want him to focus on just that, but I'm pretty sure he will be for the idea. I can't wait to tell him about it. But wouldn't that be better, at least so my dad and his best friend can see it? Plus, I figured something like that wouldn't cost a lot of money. Anybody got married JOP?




  1. It does not matter whom you choose to perform your ceremony, its the intent of the two people who are marrying and the commitment which they bring to the marriage that is important. If you wish to go this way then by all means suggest it to him and if he is agreeable then go ahead and make the arrangements - but make sure whatever you do that both of you are happy with it as marriage is the most important partnership you will ever undertake

    Good wishes to both of you - have a great marriage and please remember to communicate with each other every day of your lives together - its really important  

  2. Yes.  I got married at the JP 7 great years ago!  I met my husband and got married a month later.  He was in the Army and I was in the Air Force.  I had to fly him from Texas to Montana while he was on a weekend pass and I was on my 5 days off!

    It was cheap, easy and no hassle!

  3.   i know several people who have gotten married with just a justice of the peace and several close friends involved.  if thats what you guys would like, then by all means go for it.  it is indeed a great way to save money because you dont have to have a big to do with renting a hall or anything for the wedding, and you can all just go to a resturant afterwards for a meal if you want.  h**l, you dont even have to do that, the day is all up to you!

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