
? for all bike enthusiast!?

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I used to have a (adult) bike as a kid that I absolutely loved... it was quite old (my parents bought it at a rummage sale in the 70s for my older siblings), but sadly it came to an end one winter when the snow blower ran over it :( I couldn't find anything like it until now.

I found a picture of the "Trek Lime",6610,s1-1-324-16389-1,00.html

It has the handle bars I want, the wider seat I want, and the braking mechanism (pedal backwards) I want. I have never had a bike that shifted gears, and I don't know if that is important or not. It doesn't have the price tag that I want though. Are there any bikes out there that are similar but not as costly?





  1. Just a thought: You are in love with an image from your childhood that won't stand up to the harsh light of reality.   Nothing wrong with that as long as you understand it.  The sales and marketing people at Trek understand it, which is the only reason this bike exists.

    Truth is, any modern multi-speed bike will far exceed this beast in terms of performance and comfort at the same or lower cost.

    1.  More gears = less effort.   Humans have a relatively narrow rpm power band.   More gears allow you to make maximum use of your limited horsepower.  

    2.  Comfort.  Non-cyclists think they want a wide seat.  In reality, wider saddles increase friction.   What looks like a comfy ride becomes your tormenter after only a few miles.

    3.  Coaster brakes: Cheap to make, but nowhere near as safe and effective as even cheap handbrakes.    

    4.  Automatic shift?  I don't think so.   That would drive me nuts within minutes, just as it would in a car.

    This bike is strictly a gimmick for inexperienced people who think they want to ride but don't have any idea what to look for.    Do yourself a favor and spend some time at your LBS (Local Bike Shop).   Let them straighten your head out.  

    P.S.   I enjoy riding a beach cruiser in the appropriate setting, i.e., Newport Beach or the like.   However, for everyday riding, racing, or just plain getting around, my regular bikes are far superior.

  2. I agree...check out Electra.

  3. This bike seems very utilitarian. Because it's only got three speeds, you probably want to stay off of steep hills. I'm unsure of it's price so I can't tell you it's worth what you're paying for it. But, it looks like a decent ride.

    There's a company called "Electra" that makes the type of bikes that, it seems, you're looking for:

    Unfortunately, they're kind of pricey. But, they sure look nice...I wish I had one.


  4. If you really want a bike like this ( ah yes, the 26" x 1-3/8 tire.  So many flats, so many innertubes. )  Look out for garage sales and thrift shops.  You might be able to find a good old Schwinn, Ross, or Raleigh for 20 bucks.  These new bikes are simply $500 + versions of the same thing we bought to $50.   I've found a few in the trash and reconditioned them.  Too bad I didn't have room in my apartment for five different bikes.  

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