
(girls) why do you all ask the question "if i was tied to a bed, what would you do to me?"?

by  |  earlier

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that is honestly the oddest question i have ever heard people ask, and i continually hear it...dont you think that would kinda ruin the relationship you have with the person you ask?




  1. I'd really like to know what girls you are talking to that you continually hear this....... I take it these are not the kinda gals you bring home to mom....

  2. If it was a romantic relationship no, but any other i'd have to agree with you, totally ruined, and i'd just say "I'd untie you and make sure you wherent hurt then call the cops on whoever did that too you"

  3. actually i hve nevre herard or asked that

  4. i'm female, i have  never asked that online OR in person.

    don't plan to ask it.

  5. LOL. Do you hear it within your school, or work? I have NEVER heard anyone ask that question in my life. It's most likely something weird and stupid the girls in your area decided to make up.

  6. I am with the other commentators---I have never asked anyone this question ever, and I have never heard anyone ask it. My guess is the girls you're hearing it from constantly are only looking for attention from guys, and they feel that being provocative (which is an immense understatement) is the only way to get it. I really wouldn't waste your time around these girls because chances are, they're asking every single guy they see the same exact question.

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