Question: your heart to the wrong person?Does it matter if you just lose them anyway?Wrong or Right person?

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When you reach around or just before middle age (35, 40 or so....) you should technically be pretty aware of life's happy and unhappy situations. I can agree that in the beginning of life, protecting your heart is important. But, in the end, isn't it really just about surviving? As long as you don't go all psycho and start killing people, does it matter if you end up with a few losers? (And I'm NOT talking about giving yourself and your love to people who drink and beat you, or people who blatantly try to hurt you with lies or other horrible taking drugs and stealing from you) I'm referring to taking on people who may have simpler flaws... If they are willing to be with you and you are willing to be with them...shouldn't that be all that matters?

There are very few people who find perfect love or who even know what love is. For those people who don't find love that isn't perfect, shouldn't they just take what they get? Love (or what some of us perceive as love) seems to sometimes die or end up unreal on it's own anyway...




  1. also when you get older you realize, that there is no prince charming who will come and rescue you and give you tons of money and treat you like a princess.

    well, there is a prince charming, but he will probably show up in a beat up honda, owing tons of money, with some crazy from his past, and some weird allergy to cats.

  2. I am single and 31. It has never been about the right person or the wrong person, It has always been about the gamble. Love is a lottery in which you put out your best #'s just to find out that you got a losing #. I am not been negative since I enjoyed every bit of it, but I am yet to get my winning #. Is just wonderful to be alive and feel the greatest feeling in the world: That sinking feeling as you hit the bottom of the pit called love.

  3. there are a lot of reasons why someone should get married. but the right one is all ways for Love. but there more than one kind of love.

  4. This is a question I face everyday. In the end is it really about the best and happiest life possible...or just finding that person you can stand waking up to in the morning? And if this is the it a mistake that you are staying jsut because you are afraid there is nothing better? ...maybe you are just taking it for granted? Blah..

  5. Sounds like you are settling.  If you are deciding to be with him, but are already pointing out flaws, you are just going to settle for this warm body.  Ok... but then you already know not to expect too much.  No one is perfect.  Even when people say they have the perfect relationship, that is because the two have accepted each others shortcomings. If you like the guy, and he is not going to hurt or bankrupt you... Go for it!!!  Just make sure you are doing it for the right reasons.

  6. In the bible in proverbs it tells you to guard your heart.

    I learned this in my teens after my 1st gf did me wrong lol.

    Be careful on who you commit to.

  7. I'm in the age group you mentioned, but I'm still no wiser than when I got started.

    Technically, I know what's right and what's wrong, who and what situation will make me unhappy. But I still go and get myself hurt, do stuff I know I should steer clear of, fall in love with the wrong man...

    I'm pondering...maybe I should just go back to the basic, like you said...hide myself in a shell, just to protect my heart...

    And I wonder...if there's really such a thing as perfect love..among humans..??

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