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I'm 18 yrs old and currently I stay with my Mom I really want to start driving get my drivers license then eventually get my own car.Before I can do any of that I know I've defiantly have to start working to make some money.Basically what I want to know is 1.would it be better to tell my Mom ahead of time before I'm getting read to leave? or 2.can I let her know on the same day I'm going to leave "hey Ma I'm going to go now" I have to know what's the BEST appropriate way to go about telling her I'm going to stay some where else I LOVE my Mom very much..... OPINIONS are appreciated!

I can't work because I'm considered disabled by a social security company.If I stay with my Mother and try to work and the company finds out I'm working AND I'm staying with her it's a possiblitie she could get all of her money cut that's why I can't really stay with my Mother as much as I love her.TRUST ME if I could work and stay at my Mother's house I WOULD'NT be leaving for a LONG TIME that would be GREAT if I could stay with Mom for while and work at the same time but I can't b/c I could mess her up finacily if I start working........I need to start making some money as soon as possible.




  1. The monies your Mom receives from Social Security are for YOU.  They don&#039;t come IF you are living with her.  They come anyway.

    That means that whether or not you are living with your Mom- that money will come...for you.

    IF you move out, your expenses will greatly INCREASE.  Stay home (it sounds as if you love your Mom and don&#039;t mind living there ), and get a job!  No one is saying you can&#039;t work---it&#039;s OK.  The benefits will continue to come for a while, and once you have worked 9 months and taken home $1200.00/month or more, your monies will be stopped.

    You CAN save that money or whatever....I&#039;m sure your Mom wants what is best for you, and if you want to work, and can work, then find something...moving out could be the worst thing for everybody....especially you!  You need the support of your Mom and the household security and safety while you venture out to work.  IF you moved out, you will instantly have tons of bills and your Soc. Security probably won&#039;t begin to cover it...then your Mom will have to fork out HER money to help you, and your earned money won&#039;t even buy you food!

    Relax.  Stay home.  Look for work.  Tell your Mom that you want to work, and she&#039;ll probably support that....Soc. Security gives you plenty of time to be sure the job will work, etc.....

    (I know all of this because I also am collecting SSI, and have worked, and then stopped, and I&#039;m still w/ my;s tough to find and keep a job that works out.....I tried to move out once, and the bills in a teeny tiny apt. were outrageous, and it was a bit dangerous because the neighborhood was terrible!  all I could afford...)

  2. 1, yes of course you should tell your mom.

    2, no not on the same day as you leaving

    just tell her how you feel, youre growing up now and need to start living life on your own, she&#039;ll understand every parent has to go through it eventually.

    tell her your exact situation you just posted and she&#039;ll listen.  

  3. u have to tell ur mom...

    nd no not on the same day... let her take sum tym to absorb ur missingness..

  4. If you&#039;re disabled how are u able to work? ur not committing fraud are you? Tell your mom ahead of time so she can get used to the idea and get ready for it.

  5. you should definetly tell her a while before you leave and maybe she can help you find a place.

  6. If there is money coming into the house because you are disabled, then that money is intended for YOU and should be used for the costs of YOUR living, including driving a car.  

    Also, if you leave, the money stops going to your mother.  It should follow you, wherever YOU go.  You can choose to give it to your mother if you want to, but it is to help you cover your living expenses.

    Do you have a place to go?  Do you have a way to pay for that place once you leave?  Do you have a job? You&#039;ll need to have all of that arranged long before you leave the house.

    You need to have a serious talk with your mother about all of this.  The situation is not as simple as you leaving and getting a job and that protecting her financial security.

  7. you should tell her of course before you leave  

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