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by  |  earlier

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ok when is the the best time to let my wild side go, and how should I do it around?

I have a crazy wild side and sometimes can't control it

and please don't say never let it go or something like that, it has to come out sooner or later. Also i am tired of holding it in.




  1. when your wild side comes on just think of some thing nice like a sweet gift someone gave u or some thing and close your eyes and breath then hold that moment and think of something u liked to give that person and imagine your self giving the person yhe gift and then they said thank u the first thank you, u had all day and then u felt happy right? so, now that u are happy open your eyes then relax .        i hope u feel better bye.

  2. Sounds like you might be very creative. How about expressing your &quot;wild side&quot; through an artistic activity?  Show your feelings in a painting, song, poem, story, photo essay, sculpture, web page, room design, fashion, ad for a product, science experiment - whatever your interest or talent is, there is room to express yourself through it -and no doubt there is some market or venue where you can display it or sell it if you choose to.  Some of the most creative and successful people in every field have a &quot;wild side&quot; and use it to their advantage.

    Good luck, and have fun!

  3. just let it all go when you are alone in private and no one else can see or hear you

  4. Do it in your bedroom. I love locking the door and putting on music and just going crazy. Or if im upset yelling and punching something. Or sad crying hysterically. Either way, your bedroom is where you can do whatever you want so you go in there, lock the door, and DO IT!

    Have fun!

  5. lol let loose your wild side when ever you feel it coming on

    everyone has a wild side i believe

    who cares if you cant control it right?

    if people dont like it then oh well

  6. Let it go when you are alone in the privacy of your bedroom. Act like a proper lady when in public.

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