
>>I think I have Post Traumatic Stress?????ANSWER PLZ<<?

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Ok, I dont remember any of this, but it happened to me: When I was a baby, I had an atypical seizure and I had to go to the hospital for 3 days. The whole time they were doing horrible tests on me, like spinal tap, IV, stuff like that. I was so freaked out. Then I got sick there so I had to stay for even longer, and they kept doing more and more things to me.

Now, whenever I go to the doctor's, I freak out. Not literally, I just get so scared, like my hands start shaking, I start sweating, and im on the edge of tears just being there. Its like whenever Im there, something in my head just tells me its a bad place and I shouldnt be there and they're going to hurt me, stuff like that. My aunt is the one who remembers this and she told me that. When I get scared, its unconscience but I cant help myself. And its not even like im afraid that a needles gonna hurt, its just the fact that its near me that scares me.

Do you think I have post traumatic stress? nobody has really told me yes. But if yes, how can I get rid of it? I dont want to be this scared anymore!




  1. No. You are doing this to yourself. You didn&#039;t even remember your experience in the hospital until your aunt told you.

    Many people are scared of doctors and hospitals. You will have to

    either get some counseling about this or find a way to reconcile it within yourself.

  2. It is very possible that you have ptsd.  You may not &quot;remember&quot; the events, but that does not mean the memory is not in your mind.  It only means that you can not recall it on a conscious level.  Your mind may have repressed the memory to protect itself.  When you are reminded of the event, such as a trip to the MD, your mind reacts to it in the form of anxiety and fear.  It is actually a protective mechanism.  You must talk it out and try to control your fear.  You may need counseling.  Some antidepressants or antianxiety meds may be useful.  However, if that is the only time you have symptoms, it probably does not warrant drug therapy.  Talk to your doc.  He/she may be able to recommend a good counselor or other treatment.  Also, he or she may change their bedside manner with you to help you relax.  Check out the National Centers for Post traumatic stress disorder.  eb address below

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