
.:::.>Apricot seeds?<.:::.?

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I've herd apricot seeds have high levels of vitamin B17. How exactly do you eat them though? Do you have to do something to them? Or can you just eat them as you bought them?




  1. no apricot seeds will GIVE you cancer! my friend died from eating them too much

  2. B17 is NOT a vitamin, it is just a marketing name given to amygdalin, extract from apricot seeds that degrades into CYANIDE if ingested.

    It doesn&#039;t help cancer victims because it doesn&#039;t do anything.

    Folks with cancer should try to cure it with proven science &amp; medicine, not hocus-pocus...

  3. There is no such vitamin as B17; it was invented to give respectability and credibility to Laetrile, a commercial preparation of apricot kernels.

    You wuold be well advised not to consume apricot kernels at all as they contain cyanide.

    Laetrile/B17/apricot kernels is one of the few &#039;alternative&#039; cancer treatments that has been tested, and it has been shown to be ineffective against cancer, either as a preventative or as a cure. As well, of course as being dangerous.

    It&#039;s a scam; it doesn&#039;t work but there are still people eager to part desperate and frightened people from their money in exchange for this dangerous rubbish,

    Check it out:

  4. You can just chew them but they are a little bitter. I have a few friends who actually like the taste. Personally, I grind them in a coffee grinder and take them with water. For a preventive you only need to take 7 a day but someone with cancer should take more. My dad who is in remission from stomach cancer to the liver takes 20 a day 5 at a time throughout the day. Other people I know  grind them and put them in cereal or yogurt. Since my dad started taking them his kidney doctor told him that his kidney function is the best its ever been in the 13 years that he has had diabetes.

    There is cyanide in them but its cyanide in its natural form thats in hundreds of food that we eat.

  5. your an apricot seed

  6. There are many plants and plant seeds that are good sources of vitamins, minerals and other phytonutrients. but it is easier to get them from a product that has already sourced these nutrients for you. There are several good products on the market. I realize this is not the place to pitch any so I won&#039;t mention names here. However I did become involved with one such product when a good friend of mine made an impressive recovery from stage 4 cancer using it. Since then we have used it with our son who has CF and he feels it makes a difference too. This company has just released a new product which is a chelated mineral/vitamin supplement. Plant derived for maximum absorption and including co-enzyme Q10. If you would like to read our friend&#039;s cancer story it is on my personal web site at  If you would like further information my contact info is posted there.

    Best Regards

  7. Years ago, it was believed that apricot seeds were a possible cancer cure. That has been totally disproved. As a matter of fact, they are poisonous if eaten in quantity.

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