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Well I was masturbating on saturday night and pre come came out. It keeps coming out every time I finished urinating. Is it normal? When will it stop? Is pre come suppose to come out? I'm 12 and a half year old. My friends m********e and said that it doesn't come out after you m********e? Please help.




  1. dude i seriously laughed out loud... your friends are idiots.  Of course you come/ejaculate when you m********e.  Not sure about the whole urinating thing.

  2. yes its normal. and when you are 13 and above that problem should stop and if it doesn&#039;t then tell your mom and she&#039;ll call the doctor that if your not embarrassed  

  3. If you finished urinating after doing your thing, there should be no more s***n coming out cause your urine should have washed out any remaining s***n(***) from your urethra. after s*x or masturbation the male still has some s***n in the urethra which will come out if pulled or if you urinate after. And yes sometimes you do release pre come before the actual o****m.

  4. Pre-ejaculatory fluid will come out before and after ejaculation, sometimes for several hours.  If it continues to flow for several days, you probably have a urinary infection. Drink lots of water and cranberry juice and see if that heals it up.  If you still have the problem after a week, have your parents take you to a urologist.  

  5. well if you have a an erection shortly b4 going to the bathroom there may be some coming out but the precome that comes out can also be some left over from masturbating.

  6. If a little comes out when you pee after you finish masturbating i wouldn&#039;t worry too much. If it is all the time( with or without masturbation), there could be a problem. Is there a odor or color associated with the discharge,or any pain? If so schedule an appointment with a doctor. Are you sexually active? If you are and are afraid to tell you parents because you are young, you can call an sexually transmitted disease hot line. DO NOT ignore the problem treat it promptly as you do not want to suffer negative effects because you were too embarrassed to see a doctor. Good luck.

  7. m********e again and see if that fixes it. The little flap that switches from sperm to urine might be a little stuck

  8. NO!


    go to the ER straightaway!

  9. While having erection and while ejaculating, your sperm and precum are filling the tube inside your p***s...

    After you&#039;re done, and when the p***s softens again, the precum that is there in the tube oozes out as the tube becomes shorter...

    So, it&#039;s perfectly normal to have some precum oozing after masturbating when you go to urinate...

    Don&#039;t worry...

  10. you are normal

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