
....healthy school lunch....??????????????

by  |  earlier

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So far in my lunch i have

-"Minute maid" Orange juice

-"Quaker" granola bar

-fruit salad

-"Source" yogurt


What can i have as a "main" item that dosnt contain meat? And what other snacks can i add to make it even healthier or what items should i replace to make it healthier? with what? (no vegies please..)

Thank you!! ;)




  1. add a peanut butter and banana sandwich, if you dont need that much half it and take the other half the other day

  2. try as main: pb & j sandwich or a larger fruit salad

    snacks: try popcorn (no butter little salt) replace quaker w/ nature valley bar

  3. Orange juice is high in sugar.  You might want to consider water and maybe some nuts or something for some more protein.

  4. add a banana or an apple, or a small pack of cereal.

  5. ur eating vitamins in a lunch for school?

  6. A hard boiled egg.  Yum.

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