
♥ Is there a perfect age to pierce ears?

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♥ Do you think their is a perfect age to pierce your daughters ears? Do you think its better to pierce her ears when she is a baby or when she is old enough to ask.

My daughter is two and a half and I have been thinking about getting her ears pierced. But wasn't sure if I should do it now or wait.

Thanks for the answers. No rude ones.




  1. I have heard that babies under 3-4 months have hardly any nerve endings, so its better younger. I got my daughters done at 10 mos and she wined for a second and then was fine.

    Doing it younger or older is up to you and your partner I think. Personally , I don;t know any young ladies who are hating their parents for getting their ears pierced as a child . Most are begging to have it done. If they dont want them when they get older... they can take them out! no biggie!

    This site tells all the possible cons and risks so you can make the right decision for you! * hope this helps.

    be blessed

  2. 12 years old.  No need to rush into it. Girls are cute as it is - sans jewelry.

  3. its usually best to get them done after their 6 month old shots, or you can wait to see if she asks to get them really does not matter, its really up to you.

  4. I'd say wait until your daughter asks.

    Then it'll be exciting and a privilege to her.

    Also, if she gets into a lot of sports, she may never want them pierced.  If you do it, she may resent it later on.

  5. 1 your daughter will grow and the the piercing could be in a wierd place when she grows

    2 if you do it now you will have to care for her ears for at least five years. clean. change the earings. rotate the every once and a while

    my suggestion wait until 6 as a bday gift

  6. Truthfully I think you should wait for your daughter to want to get them done.

    Especially if you plan on going to any place that uses a piercing gun.  These can cause keloids (big gross bumps that can be impossible to get rid) I know i would never get my daughters ears pierced unless she wants them, how bad would you feel if you got them pierced and they developed into keloids and your daughter had to live the rest of her life with huge bumps on her ears?

    Just my opinion but i also think it would be good to know what can happen.

    Edit: this is a picture of a severe keloid not all get this big but...

  7. I waited till mine was old enough to ask. And this is why, it is her body, they are her ears, what right to I think I have putting extra holes in them, just to make her look cute? I decided against it, I was of course tempted, but ultimatly I came to the decide not to peirce them till she was old enough to ask. Now don't get me wrong everyone has their own thoughts and opinions, and I don't think less of anyone who has gotten their little ones ears peirced. It is a personal choice. Plus when I took her it was a great way to spend mom daughter time with her.

  8. when shes a baby cause when she grows up she might be afraid to get it periced

  9. do it any time there is no age limit or any thing like that go for it if u want to hope i helped

  10. I would definitely recommend waiting until she is old enough to take care of them properly herself and make sure she actually REALLY wants them.

  11. yeah, i have to go with the first answerer!!  I got my daughter done as an infant!  

    1). she can't mess with it and get it infected

    2). she wont keep me from cleaning it

    3). her nerve endings are still developing so she wont feel it as much

    4). she won't remember it

    5). if she decides she doesn't want it later in life she can take them out and they will close right up! no harm no foul!

    so i dont know what to tell you on this one.  if you think she will leave it alone and let you take care of it i would go for it, if not you have to wait

  12. I have nothing against people who get their kids' ears pierced as babies. In fact, I was just looking at my four month old daughter today thinking how cute she would look with a pair of studs. However, I plan on making her wait until she's older. Sometime between 10 and 13. Why? Because that's the age I was allowed to get mine done and it was such a big deal and fun and I couldn't wait to get them. It was like a rite of passage, just like a 16th birthday or 18th birthday etc. So, we'll wait, and hopefully it will be just as exciting for her as I found it to be as a young girl. :)

  13. My daughter is 10mnths and yes id love to get her ears pierced but i think its best to respect her and wait til she asks and is old eunf to understand what they are and know shes ready i would feel horrible if i done it at a young age where she was unaware and she grew up and didnt like it...So i think il let her make the decisson and this can also be something where shel be like yeah my mams let me get my ears pierced il be cool lol

  14. I pierced Lola's ears at 12 weeks but in some ways I wish I hadn't. I mean she looks cute with them but I wonder what if she doesn't like them? I would go with your gut instinct.

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