
♥ What should I do? Husband is deployed?

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♥ My husband is in the Marines and has been deployed to Iraq. He was home for two months and than went back to Iraq. The first time he went when our daughter was 2months old. We have a daughter who just turned two today and she asks everyday where her daddy is. I try to explain to her that he is over in Iraq and that he will be home soon.

♥ She has a special bear that she got from her daddy right before he left and she loves it. Lately, she has been waking up crying for her daddy at nap time and at bed time. We have tapes that my husband made her of him reading her books and we play those at nap time and bed time.

♥ Is there anything else that you do to help your kids get threw deployment? Any ideas of things I can do? Its so hard being home with her by myself and being pregnant has been hard too.

Thanks for the help




  1. Try they usually have lots of helpful ideas and people who can help you out.

    Just try to show her on a globe where he is and that he will be home soon just like you have been doing.  Let her watch the videos and you might take her out and show her a star and let her know Daddy can see it to.

    Kids will adjust it is just hard to explain it and for them to comprehend what is going on.  Don't worry they will probably form a tigher bond when he does get hom.  Try to get her involved in sending out packages and have her make special art work just for him.

  2. Hey:

    Not much advice or help here but just wanted to let you know that we little people out here really and truly care for you families who are suffering so much while spouses are deployed.  

    I know my family went through some trying times during my near 30 year career.  It has made a very, very strong marriage of over 40 years now.  

    Unfortunately, my son and his wife are experiencing similar difficulties.  Both are on active duty have a child with one on the way and together have somehow completed 4 tours in the war.  It has and will be difficult for them for some time to come.  But, like you, both are strong and support each other.  

    When I see what they are experiencing and read about the situation you have been placed in I find it nearly overwhelming.  I am confident things will get better for you and a number of years from now you will look back on these experiences and realize that perhaps it wasn't as bad as it could be.  That's what my wife and I do now.

    I might add that involvement with other families having similar experiences is a great way to help you feel a little better about your situation.  If it gets too bad, go talk to your Chaplain.  Religious, or not, you will find comfort and guidance.

    Hang in there.  Things will get better.  Thank you for supporting one of America's heroes.  We are d**n proud of him.  

    And you.


  3. My husband just returned from a 17 month deployment to Iraq. He left when I was 2 months pregnant and returned when our daughter was 10 months old.  He missed her birth and he only got 10 days of R&R leave when I was 8 months pregnant so he didn't meet our daughter until she was almost one.

    I am 5 weeks pregnant now and he will deploy (again) two months before i deliver our second so he will miss our second baby's birth, too. He is scheduled for a 12 month tour so he will return when our second child is over a year old.

    The best thing that you can do for your kid(s) while your DH is away is stay calm and stay strong. Don't go crazy with the extra money that your DH gets from overseas pay. Save, save, save that money. Accept the fact that sometimes you may go weeks w/out hearing from your DH and let your kid(s) talk to him EVERY time he calls. Tell bed time stories about how Daddy played with them when he was home and make some up about what he does while overseas. Show pictures of him all of the time. ask your baby girl to make a calendar or some other creative countdown to count down the days until Daddy comes home.

    You will make it and so will your Hubby and daughter. Stay calm and stay strong. Good Luck!

  4. You didn't mention if you was still on base or living around your family.

    You have done the right things by making videos for your child and hopefully he will be able to send a few more. Do you belong to the Support Wives for the Company? I assume not or you wouldn't be asking on yahoo. This is your second deployment so you are a seasoned vet. You have been through it and stood tall. Being a Marine is easy,Being a Marines wife is tougher. Continue what you have been doing and occupy yourself with a few friends and family if possible. Find a site that you can go to to share your thoughts with other wife's.

    I applaud you and your Husband for both serving.

    Semper Fi!!

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