
how a 22 year old can lose the fat on her thighs

by  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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how a 22 year old can lose the fat on her thighs? I am fairly fit and even have flat stomach but my thighs are out of this world. I am the only one like this in my family. All my sisters have nice slim s*x legs including normal thighs. This prevents me from wearing any short skirts and it prevents me from going swimming. Can some Nutrition & Dieting expert please help me out.

 Tags: 22, fat, Lose, thighs



  1. Tina Marshal

    Jaime, the link for the best writing on losing weight i read is provided below.  I am sure you will agree with it and once you start reading it, you will not stop until you finish it.  It is not traditional and will challenge your outlook on how to stay fit.

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