
how are baseball lines set?

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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I am a seasoned sports bettor but have least knowledge of baseball betting, can you help me know, how baseball lines are set in baseball betting? As setting betting lines in a baseball match is an important aspect of this sports betting.




  1. How Are Baseball Betting Lines Set

    Baseball betting lines really aren't set any different than an NFL or NBA line...and it's not to get an equal amount of action on both teams as most people would have you believe. It's virtually impossible to do this and the sportsbooks know it.

    Sportsbook managers, without a doubt, take sides in the lines they set and that's why they're more prone to draw as much square money as they can on "perceived" good other words, lines definitely get shaded for favorites (typically public teams and "good" teams) in baseball.

    The two biggest factors that establish baseball betting lines are starting pitching and overall public perception. There it is again, public perception. Whether it's good or bad, public perception is deception when it comes to betting baseball (or any sport for that matter).

    Any team that is perceived to be good or bad by the public will without a doubt have their line shaded more often than not, thus offering value to the sharp bettor on the other side. The sportsbooks will shade lines as much as they can drawing in public money. However, if they shade it to much, then sharp bettors will pound it.

    The initial line that comes out is called a virgin line. It only reflects the oddsmakers/sportsbooks opinion on the game.

    However, once that line comes out and is available to bet on, you'll see very quickly if they've set an equitable line because sharp money will cause sportsbooks to adjust it quickly...not much different than the bid/ask on a stock price.

    Virgin baseball betting lines will come out the night before, but there are limits on the amount that can be wagered on them, just in case of an inefficient line being set. In the morning, the lines will most likely be adjusted and then opened up for normal limits.

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