
how can i express my self without making her scared?

by  |  earlier

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  1. whoa.. no.. dont give up!.. men are fighters are we can find ways around all kinds of situations!.. girls are complicated but they can be broken with time.. now the thing here is that you can just ask her to rebel ok.. that wont work.. but if you ease into the situation she'll do it herself.. the signs shes giving you make it clear that she likes you.. so now what you have to do is communicate.. be deep!

    tell her you enjoy her company and spending time with her and that you just want a be a part of her life even if just as a friend.. (crack a joke her saying: heck id have a s*x change if it meant i could be with you without any issues! lol! she'll love that)..

    patience is key her my friend. if you have faith, time will make everything well..

    talk less, make her miss you.. show her you care, not by calling.. but by being more careful than she is about her parents.. let her see she can trust you with her family disposition.. you'll be surprised at how things work out!

    good luck brother, may the force be with you!.. ask me if you need anything else.. i work for the website! lol..

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