
how to do soccer moves like cristaino ronaldo?

by  |  10 years, 10 month(s) ago

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cristaino ronaldo is a very great player. Would someone tell me how to do soccer moves like cristaino ronaldo?




  1. well its easy; watch his videos and start from the easy moves first. practice practice and practice until you can do it without thinking. Just remember anything is possible if you put your heart and mind in to it.

    what also helps is if you watch Ronaldos moves in a slow motion. it will make it easy to see what he is really doing - pay attention to his whole body to observe what is happening.

  2. masudur rahman
    You can't, because you are not Ronaldo.

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Latest activity: 10 years, 10 month(s) ago.
This question has 2 answers.


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