
=( i feel so sad right now...?

by  |  earlier

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Im 13 and my parents divorced 2.5 years ago.

Eversince then, my life has been downhill

My brother went to jail, and my other brother had a baby with his STUPID girlfriend. My mom says her boyfriend doesn't hit her and she thinks I'm crazy. But I know he does. Long story turned short, i overheard them talking, and he does hit her. ( they talk to loud)

But thinking back, It all makes me so sad. I used to cut my wrists (stupid) but thinkink about this makes me want to do it again.

Oh, i almost forgot. To make things worse, I'm g*y, and I'm not out of the closet yet. my life sucks right now... =(




  1. I'm sorry you feel this way sweetie :( at 13 years old this should be the best time of your life...but no matter how hard things may ever get for you you have to know that there's always a light at the end of the tunnel, and there's always someone who is worse off than you in this world! Every thing that is happening to you right now is happening for a reason that you may not understand at this point in time or maybe ever. But what i can tell you is that when things start to settle down for you (and they will in time) is that you are going to be the strongest person when this is through. Focus on what you do have right now that makes you happy...Your little niece or nephew? your brother that's not in jail? (try to spend time with them). Be happy that you have a mum some people your age don't even have that :( when the right time comes along for you to tell your family that your g*y you'll know when to say it. But please for now when your going through this rough period don't ever hurt yourself, you only have one life a one body look after it. When your really down do any thing and every thing to make yourself happy and keep yourself, no matter how tuff, it's never as bad as it seems and it will always get better...i promise :) SmiLe

  2. well find you a best friend or omg I'm ganna say it ok here i go or find you a BF ew so anyway that why you could talk to the person you love about your problems and stuff so that why you will feel loved and wont be sad no more yay ^_^.

    $ i know it wasn't mush but still i wish i helped $

  3. You need to find some one you can talk to.. another family memeber (an uncle or aunt). You also need to find something that you can put your energy into that you love so that you have somethin fun in your life. Like a sport, or a a type of art like acting, filming, drawing/painting, writting.. it will help you feel better about your self and let you find your self. Good luck! and remember Life DOES get better you just got to hang in there!!! Find support form other people in your life. And good luck with comming out! i hope your parents support you! i know how hard that is. and i applaud you for even addmitting if to your self. I belive in you! i belive you find that happiness you are searching for! Now all you need to do is believe in your slef!  

  4. Ok- quit listening to Sarah, trust me.  That's bummer music.

    Secondly, you need to find someone you can confide in.  A best friend, a new friend or possibly your counselor at school.

    Things right now seem chaotic for you..but don't lose your perspective on it all.  Talk to your mom about how you are feeling.  Let her know that it truly bothers you that he hits her... Call a domestic hotline or research it online.  Keep pro-active towards bettering YOURSELF, my friend.  Strength!

    BTW, I'm g*y too

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