
:( i pooped myself today in front of 2 classes????????? :(?

by  |  earlier

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I'm sixteen years old and I'm sooo emmbarrest, I started a school course, its kind of like college and umm today I farted and randomly I didn't even realize I pooped... and i think everyy knew it was me because i was the only one in the part of the room where it was coming from, i smelt so bad, and it was diareer :(:( whenn i was walking past people they were like ewwwwwwww... and i don't know what happened, and now i never ever want to go back to college. i walked out of the school today and went home, and im not going back :(:( please help what should i do?????!!! omg 2 classes knew it was me?? i have been crying since early this morning :( i can't believe this happend..




  1. Aww poor you thats not good.

    The best thing to do is relive it (think about it, cry, be humiliated) then let it go... just think positive and just get on with your life and keep your head high. Laugh it off if anyone brings it up and blame it on too much partying and lack of good food and sleep.

    If you really can't stand it ask to swap classes but remember it will be bad tomorrow but it will be old news in a few days and everyone will be talking about something else.

    Are you sure everyone knew? You could always try denying it...

    Good luck sweetie x*x

  2. pretend it never happened. walk in there with confidence.

  3. Sorry to read of about your situation and I'm sure you feel bad enough as it is. Now when I was in school we had a young girl who did not have any control over her bowels or bladder. She is gone now but back then we was told she would never make it through HS. But she did, she often would have these huge dark stains on her back side it was very noticable. She only had one real friend who would look after her all the time. She would miss maybe 4 of the 5 days and when she did come in we all could smell her coming also here her. She wore a brace on one leg and it would make a noise. My sister said one day she would and could gage a maggot of a gut truck. I can understand sort of how you feel but there are others out there that have had it worse than you. So suck it up and face the music, if you are ask about it just tell them you had a very upset stomach and you are still not feeling up to par just yet.  

  4. first of play it off like it never happen i was 16 and pregnant and when ur pregnant u cant really controll anythng well lets jsut say my daughter kick my blatter so hard i pissed my self in front of everyone while given my speech and there was 8 differnt classes in there and everyone saw  the puddle lol just dont worry about it jsut kinda play it off as nuttin happen.. and if that doesnt work try to make a joke out of it

  5. ha ha it is okay it happens to everyone they will get over it all girls f**t kinda just push it off jokingly like what girls cant f**t jeez you know or just avoid it completely if it is really buggin you keep on the down low like take a few days off then were like a hoody or something people will move on and leave you alone

  6. if you dont go back, you will confirm their suspicions.........  if you return and act like everything is normal, they will wonder, but never know for sure.  Why would you let something like this ruin your entire future??  Go back to school for heaven's sake!  (and deny it till your dying day!)


  8. I'm sorry, that made me ROFL so hard.

  9. dont worry it isnt going to kill u

  10. Gross.

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