
.............. (im just asking and REALLY not to be rude or racist) honest?

by  |  earlier

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yeah so i live in TORONTO and you know how poeple say its really multicultural? well yeah it is. so the neighbourhood that ive grown up with was FILLED with indians (im indian), pakistanis, west indians (Guyanese), and alot of other cultures. the school that ive been at since kindergarten to gr 8 was filled with indians, like every class was alll indians and like 3-5 others. so now im going to high school and yeah.. u guessed it theres gonna be poeple from other races, im TOTALLY comfortable with that i dont judge people on their skin, but really, ive never had to face poeple that judge me by mine. and all the guys that i went out with were indian and pakistani and stuff, same with the guys that have shown interest in me.

so when i get to high school i juts want to know what YOU think of indians and stuff, and if u would judge me juts because im indian,a nd for all other raced guys out there, ur opnion on indian chicks.

thanks for ur honest opinions, and if u think that i am being racist then i honestly had noo intention to




  1. im indian too and i hate it when people judge me by my skin uuugghhhh its terrible

  2. i absolutely looooooove diversity...i cant stand just being in a place with one race...even if its my race. im pretty sure thats how everyone at ur high school is gonna be...its just so much more interesting and cool when u have other races i highly doubt anyone would judge u...they would probably want to get to know more about u and ur culture

  3. i harbor no bad feelings towards indians or any other race, i judge people on their personality not their skin color.

  4. There is only one race, and that's the human race. There are not different skin colours but different shades of the same colour known as melanin. The more melanin, the darker the skin. This has been scientifically proved. This is what the Bible has taught for centuries. The idea of different races comes from Darwinian evolutionist thinking and teachings. Just read the complete title of Darwin's book for proof of this.

  5. I think indian women are really pretty and no your not being racist in my opinion. I actually have like 3 friends who are indian, and im white so yah u didnt think anything that could b concidered racist

  6. well i live in leeds in england but its the exact same here. in fact i live next to another city you may have heard of called bradford. It is basically just populated with indians and other similair races. its nicknamed bradistan. i very much doubt anyone will think any different about you just because your indian. i think you will be surprised when you get to high school just how many different races thereare! if you do have any problems speak with a teacher about it. if anyone says something negative to you about been indian (which will be very rare), then say something like, 'oh sorry, i thought this was the 21st century. i must still be in the dark ages or something'.

    if you havent really mixed with many people from outside of your race, then make a big effort to go and talk to new people in your class, and just be yourself.

    im not a guy, but i think that having a darker skin tone looks really hot, so make the most of it. you can use basically any make-up colours. put it this way, im pale white and me and my friends spend hours each week putting on fake tan just to get a bit of colour.

    youll love high school, just enjoy it and good luck!!

  7. I wouldn't judge you at all. I've never been friends with someone who is Indian, but I wouldn't not talk to someone or judge someone because they were. A

    And my dad is Guyanese (well, raised there; he was born in England) =]

  8. nah, u dont sound racist, yer just asking a question... i grew up in alaska, which is def a melting pot (we got natives, whites, blacks, asians, mexicans, etc), so i grew up being totally cool with all peoples. im a white basketballer tho, so unfortunately some people are a little racist towards me

  9. I was raised in New York - another melting pot.  Racist is when one person belittles another over race.  You aren't doing that - Asking about cultures outside your own is not racist it's usually showing interest.  Noticing that someone is different than you is not racist - it's an observation that is normal. choosing to date inside our outside of your own particular community is not racist - it's your choice according to what you are most comfortable with and what you find attractive.  There are certain  people I would not date, and I would be considered by some to be racist - I'm not, I just find a certain kind of person more attractive than another.  I think that as your life unfolds for you you will find people inside and outside your community that will find you delightful - enjoy!  It isn't about race among the intelligent  people, it's about preferences based on like-mindedness, similar core values, and similar interests - honesty, integrity, and trust - none of those things have anything to do with race -  

  10. You'll be totally fine.  There will be plenty of other races around so there's no reason to peg you specifically.  I wouldn't have judged you.

  11. Can you post a pic? I think Indian girls are gorgeous. They are jsut so naturally beautiful. But your personality counts a lot too. Just be fun loving that turns a lot of guys on.

  12. It will be fine and dont worry about anything like that. We dont live in a racist community anymore, no one will judge you. And if you think that they wouldnt want to date you, just stick to indians only.

  13. nope

  14. First..... I'd judge you by hygiene

    Second,...I'd judge you by what you say and talk about.

    Third, ........I'd judge you on how you judge people.

    That's all there is to it...for me, personally.

    Btw, I know how you feel. What's important to know is just plainly respect yourself and others. Just keep in mind that you are in school to for education and good socialization.

  15. had to read it over is this only for guys to answer  

  16. If your Americanized and hot than you won't have a problem.  All highschool in America is is one big fashion show.  Just get your education on and forget everyone else.

  17. uh...well were i live ALOT of ppl don't like indians and p**i's ..i don't really like like them..i had a bdad experience with them... but i can't judge you i dunn..i don't like them cuz well no offense some of the indians stink!!!!.... like they have this weird odor that makes me dizzy...i hope u aint like dat so u can adapt well..good luck!

  18. Honestly I don't care. Some girls from India who never come here are a little unfamiliar with the culture so they might be avoided, but then they might also be a great novelty to other people too. I'm not saying I do that, I'm just saying how it is. Honestly, anyone who cares shouldn't be your friend anyway.

  19. Injuns is alright.  I jsut aint a fan of the wigwams and teepees and such.

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