
im so scared please help me

by  |  earlier

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my boyfriend and i had our first and unprotected s*x about 16days ago, then another one 5 days after the first and he does pull out. could i be pregnant? how will i know if i am? what are the signs that i must have or experience right now if i am pregnant? when will i experience the signs after the intercourse? it is almost two weeks ago after our first, i cant remember when i had my period but i am sure it is a week before our first intercourse. i dont have regular menstrual not sure when will i have my next period. i dont want to be pregnant please help me, if i am pregnant is there any way to prevent it? i am so confused and stressed right now and my boyfriend to0.. we are only 17 years old.. =( please.. my parents will kill me =(

 Tags: help, Im, please, scared



  1. Well what tell me why are you scared and from which thing?

  2. WHY?????????????????

  3. Wat you scared of kid?

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