
-impact of global warming on wildlife in Arctic?

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  1. In addition to concerns about melting sea ice mentioned by others, Arctic ecosystems are also being affected by:

    1. spruce bark beetles, which are killing forests en masse thanks to warming temperatures (the beetle is ordinarily killed by frigid winter temperatures, but the temperatures haven't been cold enough in recent years to kill them, so they are causing lots of damage),

    2. the rise in birch tree populations, which are pushing out sedges, forbs, and other plants favored by caribou and other wildlife

    3. increased freshwater river flow into the Arctic ocean, which is decreasing its salinity and which may eventually affect ocean current patterns due to weight differences between fresh(er) and salt(ier) water

    4. shifts in plant blooming times that are affecting animals' migrations and diets

    5. increase in mosquito populations and lengthening mosquito season

    6. coastal flooding

    and more.

  2. appear to have answered a completely different question.

    "..polar animals will be destroyed due to flood"..What!

    "..polarbears, deers, etc. will face extinction"..Will they indeed? How the heck are you able to predict this...or are you plain guessing!!

    " problem facing wildlife directly is the reduction and eventual elimination of sea ice." Great insight...what a load of c**k!

    "...while other numbers are reduced by migration"..Dont tell me some of the endagered will suddenly become migraters!

    "...disturbing trends in insect populations that are directly responsible for the destruction of trees which as used as food and cover for certain wildlife"..Yep, it's the lack of trees that will be the end for artic wildlife :)

    I haven't read any actual evidence that any of the wildlife in the Artic is currently being affected.

    I have however, read and heard numerous reports that "this or that animal is in danger...due to GW" "Polar bears will die out due to GW"

    Using my normal  decision making process for placing fact at one end and rumour/scaremongering at the other....I would say:

    I am fairly sure that some wildlife may suffer if the ecosystem that supports them is drastically altered. GW hasnt been shown to be drastically affecting the ecosystems of wildlife in the artic. There is a vast difference between speculation and evidence.

    The Antartic is a different question entirely:  there the average temperature is falling and more snow is falling than ice melting...that could quite well affect the ecosystems of several species.

  3. I'm not a scientist so my information comes from just observing and chatting with people.  But I spend work related time in the Arctic occassionally, and the ice cap is not melting, nor are the polar bears in any danger whatsoever.  Those who live in the Arctic have a hard time understanding where all this misinformation is coming from.

    The bear populations have all increased or maintained their levels, with one exception on the western side of Hudson't Bay, near Churchill Manitoba.  That population has had a decrease in numbers because of overhunting.  The problem has been dealt with and their habitat is safe.  By the way, that is the polar bear population that Al Gore used in his movie.  But he said that the reason for the decline is global warming.  He also made it look like bear populations everywhere were suffering which is wrong.

    Don't worry about the's still there as it's always been and things are fine.  This time of year there is some limited flora, and geese nest for the summer and lay their eggs.  In these areas there is no snow of course, but there never is in the summer.  People think that there is never any melting in the Arctic for some reason.  There is, lots actually.  But it doesn't stay this way for long so nature seems sometimes to be in a hurry with it's summer activities.

    Wildlife in the Arctic is doing great, global warming is having no effect at all.

  4. Melting effect is the most sever thing seen...

  5. I hope that this might answer your question, Anny.  My name is Stephen and I am President of Future Futurity, Inc.  What my company lacks in size, it more than makes up for in vision, which is to use science to solve complex problems.  To be sure, the problems and issues surrounding global warming are the most complex so far, but when it comes to the arctic as well as Antarctica, they hold some incredible unique problems.

    I don't know what specific difficulties wildlife would face directly with the exception of the polar bear, but I do know that they (wildlife) would be significantly impacted by global warming as many of them are at present.  Obviously, one problem facing wildlife directly is the reduction and eventual elimination of sea ice.  This is important not just to the polar bear, but migratory routes of certain animals.  I also see major disruptions in entire ecosystems as certain animals and insects flourish while other numbers are reduced by migration.  I am not an expert on the impact of wildlife on global warming, but I see disturbing trends in insect populations that are directly responsible for the destruction of trees which as used as food and cover for certain wildlife.  I hope that this answers your question somewhat, but ecosystem issues are not my expertise.

  6. I feel the Arctic animals are going to weather this minor warm up just fine. In fact the Acrtic isn't melting as fast as it did last year:

  7. GOOD, ANSWERABLE QUESTION. the polar animals will be destroyed due to flood.  polarbears, deers, etc. will face extinction.  one problem facing wildlife directly is the reduction and eventual elimination of sea ice. This is important not just to the polar bear, but migratory routes of certain animals. I  see, major disruptions in entire ecosystems as certain animals and insects flourish while other numbers are reduced by migration.  disturbing trends in insect populations that are directly responsible for the destruction of trees which as used as food and cover for certain wildlife. I hope that this answers your question.

      sea level will arise slowly and the world will be flooded fully. later there will be drought. no one will perish because we will either die due to fiood or drought. scientists opine that global warming will occur before 2100. be aware.we are destroying ourself by unscientific approach resulting natural calamities like flood.

  8. impacts are numerous. for example, melting ice now means that polar bears are starting to drown. they need the ice for rest during hunting and with less ice and more ocean, more polar bears are drowning as they search for ice. it's sad, really, how ignorant people can be.

  9. The ice present over there is melting.

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