
? informaion how to find info on historic house in texas.holy rosary convent 1920 moved to richmond tx?

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? informaion how to find info on historic house in texas.holy rosary convent 1920 moved to richmond tx?




  1. Maybe you already know this, but I did find a listing for sale of the former convent, plus photos.


    I also found this...

    Holy Rosary Parish, Galveston, Texas: first Catholic church exclusively for African Americans in Texas, article about, vol. 6: 19; first school, new school building, vol. 6: 21; erection of school makes possible the beginning of a parish, vol. 6: 22; first mass, vol. 6: 22; industrial school dedicated, vol. 6: 25; City of Galveston builds new city hall, effects on Holy Rosary Parish, vol. 6: 33-34; Holy Rosary Parish commemorates its one hundredth anniversary, vol. 6: 34; parishioners perform "Dessalines" as a fundraising event, vol. 6: 24; parish as a center for African- American community of Galveston, vol. 6: 26

    Holy Rosary, San Antonio, Texas: published history of parish described, vol. 3: 76-77

    at this site

    Then the following...

    ..One of the most important Irish Texan contributions was made by a lady, Mother Margaret Mary Healy-Murphy. In 1888 she founded a small order of nuns known as the Sisters of the Holy Ghost. Their mission was to provide basic education for African-Americans in Victoria and San Antonio. In 1888 she had given money to the pastor of St. Mary's in Victoria, Father Richard Maloney, to build St. Peter Claver's Church and school. She also had a church, convent, and school built for Afro-American students in San Antonio and later in Victoria. Later similar schools would be opened in Laredo and in Mexico for Mexican-Americans and Mexicans. Mother Margaret Mary Healy-Murphy was a pioneer in interracial relations ahead of her time. Bishop Nicholas Aloysius Gallagher of Galveston made a similar contribution to interracial relations. In the same spirit of Mother Healy-Murphy, he opened Holy Rosary School and Holy Rosary Parish for Afro-Americans with the help of the Dominican Sisters. In a similar vein, a Catholic priest in Laredo, Texas inaugurated Washington-Juarez Day to bring Anglo-and Mexican culture together on friendly terms. While the policy of ethnic parishes and segregated schools has changed, it was significant that Afro-American and Mexican-American educational need were addressed. Though Civil Rights laws have improved society, she and her order are still an example of interracial consideration.

    at a site detailing some of the history of Irish Texans.

    Hope this helps.

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