
******* is 4.5 inches when its soft and 8 inches is that normal??? And it hurt when i pull back my f******n??

by Guest45010  |  earlier

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plz help




  1. Your p***s size is fine.

    It sounds like your f******n is a bit too tight.

    A tight f******n is surprisingly common and can usually be self-treated at home in private.

    It involves stretching exercises (ideally in the bath/shower) to make it easier to pull back. Be patient, because it must be stretched daily over several weeks, but it will be worth it in the end!

    The below websites have some good advice:

  2. You are obviously a grower.That is some size dude.And

    Stretch your f******n daily.:put some baby oil on the glans ,massage that in so the f******n gets lubricrated too:then try pulling it back,till it hurts:leave it like that for 5 minutes:repeat this daily.And in no time you can retract your f******n.

  3. Let me guess, your 12 years old too right?

    And if it hurts go see a doctor. What can we do about it?

  4. get a circumsizion you nickaloden toy looking d**k

  5. Maybe your brain will double in size when you finally use it?

  6. thats over average and go to the doctor for your f******n problem

  7. idk check with ur doctor he might give some help

  8. 8 inches when hard, yeah.  Anyway about the f******n, see your doctor.

  9. dude your not going to get help if you lie about your size !!!

  10. my d**k is 18 inch and 17 when soft  

  11. You're just the opposite from me, Mine is 8 inches when soft and 4.5 inches when hard and it fells very good when I pull back my f******n.

  12. Faker Nice Try Though

  13. There is no way little man-You go from 4 to 8 inches,hard..I got to see it to believe it!LoL,LoL...

  14. WOW  u r not serious are u?

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