
********? is it known since old ages or just invented by nowadays man? any one knows?

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********? is it known since old ages or just invented by nowadays man? any one knows?




  1. A c**k ring or ******** is a ring that is placed around a man's p***s, usually at the base, primarily to slow the leakage of blood from the erect penile tissue, thus maintaining erection for longer. c**k rings can be worn around just the p***s or p***s and s*****m, or just the s*****m alone, though this is usually designated as a t******e cuff. Rings can be made of a variety of different materials, most commonly leather, rubber, or silicone, though nylon and metal are also used either as the main component or part of the closure.

    A man may wear a c**k ring because he has erectile dysfunction (ED) or otherwise wants to prolong erection, as a s*x toy because he likes the particular sensation of tightness and extreme engorgement that wearing one provides, or as jewelry, simply for the appearance. When used for ED, a vacuum pump is used to produce an erection in spite of vascular or nerve damage, and the ring slid off the pump's cylinder onto the base of the p***s to maintain the erection.

    Some models include a protruding clitoral stimulator, designed to tickle the clitoris, v***a or a**s during s*x. Others, such as the Vibrating ring, vibrate, either vibrating the ring itself, or in a popular 'Dolphin' variant using two removable bullet vibrators to provide stimulation to the testicles and clitoris. Some c**k rings have vibrators attached which can be worn to stimulate the s*****m or perineum or a partner during sexual intercourse. Another variation is an inflatable c**k ring for added control of adjustment.

    A triple c**k ring or triple crown is a c**k ring that has additional rings for restraining the testicles. In o****m, the testicles usually retract towards the body before ejaculation. A triple crown changes and intensifies the sensation of o****m by forcing the testicles to stay away from the body.

    c**k rings that are too tight, or worn for too long can be dangerous: this may cause priapism, a medical emergency which, if not treated promptly, can result in severe and permanent damage, including penile gangrene which can result in the destruction of the p***s. Rings for ED are invariably supplied with the instruction that they should not be left on for more than 30 minutes. Falling asleep with a ring on is a particular danger.

    Elastic, stretchy, c**k rings are removed by stretching them and pulling them off the p***s, over the head, which can be difficult. Others have a quick-release mechanism allowing them to be easily removed without the need to do this. Some (not for ED) are designed to allow limited blood return, such as by hard beads which cause the ring to roll back and forth during use, increasing circulation.

    When used for extreme or total ED, it must be possible to fit the ring onto the erect p***s immediately after an erection has been produced by the pump; this practically mandates the use of very flexible rings which can be fitted on the outside of the pump's cylinder, and slid onto the p***s without removing it from the cylinder when erection has been maintained.

    Some underwear for men features a pouch with an internal fabric/elastic c**k ring, or "c-ring", that either slides along the p***s and encircles the base of the testicles or, alternately, simply snaps around the base of the testicles to snugly--but not in a constricting way--attach the pouch to the genitals. While this type of pouch permits the wearer to "go backless," c-ring pouches can be attached to either a thong or traditional jockstrap.

    Some men enjoy using c**k rings for masturbation, as wearing of this s*x toy contributes to better erection and delays o****m, thus it intensifies orgasmic sensations. Also vibrating c**k rings deliver a great range of very pleasurable vibrations that enhance enjoyment.

    Many women find rings with vibrator attachments provide clitoral stimulation that is needed for achieving o****m. c**k ring users should keep in mind that any pain, discomfort or feeling of coldness in genitals is a signal to take the c**k ring off. c**k rings must not be used by those who have cardiovascular problems, by diabetics and by those who take any blood-thinning medications.

    Invention of the proto-c**k ring. The first documented rings were made in China from the eyelids of goats with eyelashes intact. The flexible eyelids were tied around men's erections, and the hardened lashes were said to increase the pleasure of intercourse.

  2. Here is one p***s ring detour between the chinese and now that you might otherwise not want to know about.

    "Other doctors quickly joined the battle, blaming masturbation for such ills as: acne, backache, blindness, constipation, epilepsy, gout, infertility, nymphomania and vomiting. These were not the opinions of a few quacks but commonly held beliefs throughout western society. From the 1850s until the 1930s thirty-three patents were issued in the U.S. to inventors of anti-masturbation devices. These painful and humiliating gadgets included such items as:... a spike-lined ring which drove sharp metal points into a p***s that was becoming erect."


  3. c**k Ring is the safest and most effective device ever invented for erection and ... users over the past four generations

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