Question: seems to me that s*x opens the doors of perception. What’s your take on that?

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In Brida, a book of mine that will published in various countries (from March onwards), I explore the theme of sexuality. Even though I don’t treat it as deeply as in my book 11 Minutes, it seems to me that s*x opens the doors of perception. What’s your take on that?




  1. hmm...I think s*x closes doors sometimes because it becomes an obsession. I remember hearing someone say they looked forward to middle age as then they would think of s*x less often. It was a funny thought but one with truth in it. I find s*x releases something and may even make you drowsy. Maybe that is the perception it opens because now you can think of other things. lol

  2. do u like Huxley's "The Doors of Perception"

    I haven't read it, but im assuming it means that listening to the Doors will open your perceptions.

  3. There's more than one type of s*x.  There's the s*x that's enjoyed simply for physical release (Woody Allen: "Don't put down masturbation, it's s*x with someone I love.").  Then there's a s*x that's a form of conquest, the Wilt Chamberlain "I've had s*x with 50,000 women" attitude.

    I think neither of those styles of s*x would lead to anything resembling perceptual liberation.

    Now, if you're exploring s*x as a spiritual discipline, the sort of s*x that the Tantrics practice, the sort that's undertaken in the sense of mystery of taking all and giving all simultaneously--then OK, that I can agree with.

  4. Well for consenting adults, s*x is one of the most important dimensions of existence.

    The physical manifestation of love is something truly magical and profound. It can bring us closer to our partner and closer to our own self. When we make love, we give the best of us and receive the best.

    There is no greater joy than to see and feel the powerful satisfaction we is even more beautiful than the personal pleasure. Sometimes the lack of a perfect synchronicity makes the lovemaking twice as wonderful. It is amazing to sense how our loved one enjoys and after that deliver our own mind and soul.

    As this is a public forum, I can't use more explicit images or words, but I am sure you comprehend perfectly what I am talking about. It is mind-blowing, the culmination of the perfect creatures we can be and should be. The world would be a better place if all humans could experience in their lives the bliss of love and good s*x.

  5. Definitely!

    That's the main reason why a man needs a woman and a woman needs a man.

    s*x is an integral part of human lifestyle. Without s*x, we're not humans at all.

    In my point of view: as long as it is within wedlock. No problem. s*x is one the most wonderful things in this world and I see it as a gift from God. It rejuvinates and completes a human being.

  6. s*x in itself does not open the doors of perception, but the act of making love does. I do not consider the act of s*x equal to the act of love. Love is emotion s*x is s*x.

  7. i agree. ppl seem to like that

  8. No I don`t agree. There are many people who don`t have s*x or have never had s*x in a religious culture. perception comes with thinking then understanding. s*x is a form of love that binds two people together ,hopefully. Its also how we repopulate the world. Its part of life but not all of life.

  9. Anyone of any discernment knows that. If you enjoy preaching to the choir ---get it on.

  10. Discipline in an act of love[s*x, painting\drawing, music, prayer, military prowess, business, sewing...whatever] will most definitely bring a sense of heightened perception.

    So many thumbs down!  Well, good for me, I will continue to use self dicipline to enhance all of my sexual and artistic experiences to broaden and even lengthen and intensify my sense of perception of both the inner and outer universe...

  11. One could say that anything and everything opens the doors of perception if we're paying attention.  So, sure you could include s*x in that.  I'm sorry, am I the only one who thinks this question is obtuse?

  12. You are asking a profound and valid question, but I doubt you will get such an answer on these boards - just someone being cocky.

  13. I concur; see (hear) Tommy, the rock opera.

    The set and setting of the s*x is likely as significant as with the use of mind altering substances.

    I do agree, with the caveat that such opening of doors is presumed to be  clearly a free choice, not coerced.

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