
[like 50's nuclear anihilation] do you think modern youth are growing up feeling their leaders are taking them

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to ecological & human extinction, but unlike the bomb which you can come back from the brink of...this anihilation is being driven by globalised economic corruption, that has the momentum of a supertanker and cant be halted or even slowed down.

do you think this current universal despair of seeing a reformation of the ethical behaviour of the industrial/business/corporate/economic complex, is leading to aberant beliefs behaviours and attitudes in todays youth, with consequences of violence alienation substance abuse etc?

how must it affect you as a person growing up if all you see in the media is the negative impact human beings are having on the rest of the planet? wouldnt you want to numb yourself or bury your head in the sand?




  1. I think you are being unduly pessimistic and I really don't see the recognise the "universal despair" you refer to or the connection with any comprehensive nihilism in today's younger generation.

  2. The US has been under the control of the liberal MSM since the FDR administration, and they have become even more left wing as time went by. They control Hollywood, TV, most news media, (except for Fox News, the INternet, and talk radio). The message from the liberal MSM is that all religions are equal, (except Christianity which they despise), do what feels good, and that evolution proves that their is no God. The secular progessive religion of the MSM is filling young people's minds with despair.

    We need a return to God and Christianity in this country, if we are going to survive. Obama would be a disaster as president by leading our country farther away from God and morality.

  3. very interesting question. my personal viewpoint is,do we accept on face value everything we see and hear ,doesn,t this perspective presuppose we dont have free will,intelligence,common sense. i have never accepted that my elders and [betters] have superior,knowledge ,intelligence.not by there actions. my personal attitude is ,be positive,use your vote ,use the internet,via blog whatever ,make yourself heard. keep pushing,dont give in to negativity.

  4. As a modern youth, I definitely do think so. We are told so many things that just contradict with each other. What should we believe, what should we do? I see people starving to death and then I see my government wasting money on pathetic wars which have killed hundreds of thousands and now they're telling me how world peace and "liberation" is important. I can't believe the double standards and hypocrisy by the major powers. It really does sicken me. And yes I do feel like burying my head in the sand. The world is so ****** up.

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