
list of online football betting sites charging less from the bettors

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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I am online football bettor and usually place bets on NFL matches. I am looking for a sports book that offers good betting packages to the football bettors. I am looking for a cheap, affordable yet best online sports book, please specify the name of such sports books.




  1. Top Reduced Juice Sportsbooks

    The two largest reduced juice sportsbooks are Pinnacle Sports, and Any serious bettor wants to have an account with at least one of these two sites to do their line shopping. We’ll give a quick review here of what each of these sites offers.

    Pinnacle Sports (Not Available to US Residents)

    Pinnacle Sports is the most popular option for reduced juice sports betting, thanks to their low margins and massive betting limits. At Pinnacle, rather than the standard -110 base pricing, you’ll find -104 pricing on NFL sides, and -105 pricing on most other sports, including college football sides and totals, and both pro and college basketball sides and totals. They also use an impressive -103 starting base for baseball moneylines and -104 base for hockey moneylines.

    One thing worth mentioning is that because Pinnacle’s limits are so large ($30,000 max per bet on NFL sides, with option to max bet again if the line moves) they work hard to keep their lines accurate. At Pinnacle while base pricing might be -104, it is rare you’ll see two sides both at -104. Quite often, Pinnacle has bets priced at -106/-102, -108/+100 etc. The base price is still -104; Pinnacle is just adjusting the odds as bets come in, shading the line in one direction or another. When shopping Pinnacle, where traditional sites are offering -110/-110, your savings will vary. Sometimes you’ll get much better odds such as -102 on the side you like, other times slightly better odds such as -108.

    The downside to Pinnacle is that they do not accept players from the US, and their reduced juice is limited to sides and totals. If you’re planning on using one sports book only and are a recreational bettor, say $500 or less per game, you’ll be better served using where reduced juice also spans to teasers, future bets and casino games. 5Dimes also has a lot more wagering options available, with a plethora of alternate lines and prop bets for each matchup. (Available to US Players)

    5Dimes offers reduced juice betting on game day only. This is a bit tricky to find at first. So, to share, from the betting menu do not click “straight” as you would at most online betting sites, but rather click “reduced”. Here, you’ll find -105 base pricing on sides and totals of all major sports leagues, as well as moneyline bets ranging from 5 cents (-102.5) to 10 cent (-105) base price.

    5Dimes also offers more prop bets and alternate lines than any other site, and they cover all future markets, such as who will win the Super Bowl, NBA Championship, etc., plus odds for winning conferences divisions and more. The props and future bets also have reduced juice far better than industry standard.

    Another major draw to 5Dimes is their teaser/pleaser betting options. For teasers you can bet up to 2-15 teams per ticket, and there are odds for “ties reduce” and “ties win” options for every half point between 5 and 17 and also a 20 point teaser option. For pleasers (the opposite of teasers), 2-6 team “ties reduce” and “ties win” options are available for every half point increment between 6 and 10 points. To give an idea of the odds, two team six point teasers are offered at +100 and 2 team six point “ties win” teasers at -105, while industry standard is -110 and -120, respectively, for these same options. Payouts are competitive to hands down the best across the board of 5Dimes teaser options.

    As far as downside goes, the most common complaints involve customer service, but those are intermittent and minor. It’s hard to find much else negative to say about, as their company has been in business since 1999, offers the best odds and has a great track record for timely withdrawals; and for these reasons, it ranks high on our list of recommended betting sites.

    Bet Phoenix (US Players Welcome)

    BetPhoenix offers new players the choice of a 30% free play bonus or reduced juice. The reduced juice is -105 and applies to sides and totals for NFL football Betting, NCAA football betting and NBA. For more on this, see our page: reduced juice or sign up bonus.

    Reduced Juice Promotions

    A promo that’s been around for years now is “Reduced Juice Fridays“. This is when on Friday, sites cut their betting odds to -105 instead of the standard -110 pricing. We’ll cover some sites offering this promo.

    BetJamaica, is an A+ rated sportsbook owned by legendary bookmaker Spiro. He opened this shop in August 2003, as a recreational out to accompany the Olympic branded sites and to compete with business lost to entertainment type betting sites such as His other brand is fast to the board each week, often opening lines, and has the highest betting limits on the net. The BetJam brand is managed by Scotty Johnson and big on customer services, bonuses and promotions. You can read about these at where one of the promos you’ll find is “Reduced Juice Fridays”. Every Friday starting at 6PM and lasting the rest of the night, all college and NFL sides and totals are cut to -105 base pricing.

    Jazette Sportsbooks – many online sportsbooks powered by Jazette offer “Reduced Juice Friday” on select games. The most popular Jazette brands are and PlayersOnly. Unfortunately, their offers have gotten slimmer in recent seasons, but there is still value to be had. In addition to some reduced juice options, offers NFL betting lines a week in advance. For example, when Week 10 has yet to take place, you can bet here for Week 11. Also, they have lots of great contests, and they are always worth taking a look at when shopping futures such as who will win the Super Bowl, as they offer unique odds. This isn’t so much reduced juice on the futures option, but more that you’ll find much better odds on certain teams.

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