The homes we are interested in are either Natural gas or oil.
What are the pros and cons in the two?
And if you can, explain this to me...
One home says "heat: Forced Air;oil"
"hot water: electric"
Another home says "heat: natural gas"
"hot water: gas"
Which is financially our best bet? Not only by monthly bills/payments, but maintance and up-keep as well.
Honestly, the heating source is kind of the tie breaker in the home we choose.
(I know, "ask your realtor" lol. I will, I'll discuss it more with her later. But quite honestly, I don't even want to bother wasting time looking at homes that are gonna cost us an arm and a leg in heat alone. So I'd like to know where we stand (financially) before we get our hopes up walking in a home for a showing.)