
<<<<<<<<<<<which company should i buy shares from and why?>>>>>

by Guest65656  |  earlier

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Yahoo?, Google?, etc.........................




  1. You want to buy stock in only one company?  There is a great deal of specific risk in having an investment in just one company.  Almost every investment professional worth his/her salt will tell you that you need to spread your risk among at least 10 different companies to mitigate the specific risk associated with any one company.  I personally can not recommend Google.  To me it is way over priced.  Too much risk.  Yahoo, also over priced.  

    Now the market has been in a swoon for 6 months and it might be another 18 before things finally settle down.  Of the tech stocks, the only one I has some value at current prices is GLW--Corning.  Internet traffic is expanding exponentially and a lot of more fiber is going to have to be laid to handle the load.  It will be Corning manufacturing the fiber.  But there is risk in even that stock.  Considerably less risky is BDX--Becton, Dickerson--although it is somewhat more expensive relative to its earnings.  But people continue getting sick.  In fact they seem to be getting sicker and sicker. And BDX will make more and more money in the process.

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