
<Gulp> Australia Funnel Webs and other spideys?

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What are they like? Do they creep up on you? Chase you? Do they snooze in your shoes? I'll be moving to Australia soon and I'm worried about being bitten, I can't wear two inch thick boots everyday all day! Are they aggressive; and how about the Mouse Spiders???

Where are they found? How long till the venom kicks in? How many people are bitten/die because of funnel webs?

Help pls!





  1. Wouldn&#039;t worry so much about funnel webs, there are heaps of things to kill you here. We also have red back spiders, blue ring octopus, 5 types of venemous snakes, crocodiles and wombats. It&#039;s not even safe to leave our huts.

  2. they are a freakin gnarly spider, i suppose they are the same as a trantula.  if your moving to australia soon, the you really need to do more research, its not like were a third world country or something we do actually have houses and buildings and everything.  and i&#039;m pretty sure funnel webs aren&#039;t venomous

  3. The last funnel web spider death was in about 1974.  You have a much bigger chance of being run over by a bus or being hit by lightning.  You need to get the danger into perspective.  Bee stings cause more deaths than all the other bities in Australia put together.  Stop worrying about it.  Australians don&#039;t.

  4. There hasn&#039;t been a fatal spider bite of any kind in Australia for years. If the situation was anything like you seem to imagine, 22 million people couldn&#039;t live here without there being hundreds of fatalities every year.

    I&#039;ve lived in Australia in both the city and the bush for 6 decades and have NEVER seen a poisonous spider and you will be most unlikely to ever see one either.


  6. You can even leave these questions to your regular

    Ossy doctor when you arrive.  Usually if you are in

    some kind of rough or country area, or outdoors in

    natural bushland may be more prone to this

    sort of thing.     The general City&#039;s are like most other

    City&#039;s in the world usually okay !

    The kind of spiders you talk about are around the

    areas of the EAst coast of Australia i.e. Sydney,

    in the West , we have the &#039;Red Back Spider&#039; which

    is not very big at all, but very dangerous and loves

    steel sheds and garages ....

    I&#039;m sure you will get some info. when you get here.

    Don&#039;t worry too much....because you will probably

    not be near any of these things.

  7. here is some info you can read.

  8. funnel webs can jump at you from about 1 or 2 feet,but they get so agressive that sometimes there venom drips of their fangs before they can bite for mouse spiders they are even more venomous than funnel webs...if you are bitten by eithier then if you don&#039;t get an antivenom then you will die 100%...funnel webs are found from sydney up,but mouse spiders vi could&#039;nt tell u...and funnel webs can hide in your shoes,your bed,on a towel in the bathroom or pretty much anywhere...mouse spiders i don&#039;t know but i expect just like a funnel web they could be just about anywhere...don&#039;t listen to michaeel about cities being any safer than the bush when it comes to funnel webs or wat not,the cities definately are as infested as the bush...there was this family in sydney who could&#039;nt go in their backyard cos there was this infestation of hundreds of mouse spiders...yeah as pool guy was saying we have blue ringed octopus which are a tiny 5 cm across octopus thats venom can kill u in as little as 20 seconds.there found in beach rockpools all around australia.out in the bush u don&#039;t want to meet a taipan,tiger snake death adder or quite a few other snakes cos they can kill dozens to hundreds of people with the venom from 1 bite.yeah occasionally mbey every 2nd or 3rd summer a few people get killed by greatwhites and crocodiles get a few people every now and then.few tourists been killed by crocs cos they did&#039;nt know the dangers of swimming in certain waterholes up north.but also just driving in the outback make sure u got plenty water cos a few people.again usually tourists died when their car broke down cos they did&#039;nt have water in the summer outback heat cos towns are hundreds of kilometres apart out there.other than all that has been mentioned you should be pretty much alright here.i&#039;m still alive... bye the way koalas can kill cos they got 3 inch long sharp claws,a farmer had his guts ripped out by 1 few years back.kangeroos can do more damage again cos their alot bigger and the bigreds can grow to over 7 far as liz down under rekons about 1974 being the last funnel web bite death,she fails to mention the deaths of numerous people and animals who died of suspected spider bite since then.

  9. You wont see a funnel web. They usually hide anyway..

    I&#039;ve never seen one in my life. I&#039;ve been living in Sydney my whole life.. so thats 18 years.

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