
$millions of Saddam's "yellowcake" uranium delivered to Montreal???

by  |  earlier

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..what happened to NO WEAPONS OF DESTRUCTION found/plans in Iraq --- how do you GET millions of "yellowcake" being distributed, and how the HECK does 4-5 years pass, and no one knows about this? until it's sold?!? ...who bought it and what are the doing with it? (is GWB preparing to invade Quebec?) -- I really wish we HAD a real media/journalism, around here in the USA...




  1. Oh please, this was leftover c**p from his 80s WMD programs, designed to be used on Iran. So thank God we eliminated a threat to Iran. I mean, no one ever SERIOUSLY took the idea that Saddam was some sort of threat to the greatest military power the wold had ever seen with tens of thousands of nuclear weapons at its disposal, right? I mean, that never passed the laugh test, so you guys can stop pretending you were afraid of Saddam. You were pretending, right?

  2. I TOLD YOU GUYS THERE WERE WMD'S!!!!!!!  I even wrote a research paper on it.  He was making nukes, which is where the yellowcake comes from.  All the WmD's went to syria.

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