
-my fingernail is SO close to coming off...?

by  |  earlier

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what can i use/do to get it off.

it REALLY hurts.

but i need to get it off now




  1. Cut it as short as you can, then wear a plaster over it (changing it at least once a day), until the nail grows out enough for you to remove it. Do it before that and it will hurt SO much!

  2. pictures or it hasn't happened

  3. Yea Its Happened To me.

    It'll Grow Back.

    But Even Tho It Hurts, You're Gunna Have To Pull The Whole Thing Off.

    Good Luck


  4. well you either pull it off.. or either get like a cloth and rap it around ur finger but make sure ur nail is in place like how it used to be. that should help u , less painful and the next day take it of and it should be already of your finger.

    good luck.

  5. pics or gtfo

  6. well as painful as it my sound

    your gonna have to wiggle it until it comes loose

    and put alcochol or peroxide which makes it easier.

    This happend to me a couple months ago

    and now my nail is perfectly fine. and new =D

    so just be gentle and if it hurts TOO much just let it soak in watter so it gets soft

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