
(myth talking) is there a goddess of the moon, or ruler of the moon, or something?

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a female, pelase list the name, and also the goddess of the sea, or ocean, thanks a lot!




  1. * Ainu mythology

              o Chup Kamui

        * Akkadian mythology

              o Sin (Sumerian: Suen). This name was corrupted to Enzu

        * Arabian mythology

              o Illat

              o Hilal

              o Hubal

              o Sin

              o Ta'lab

              o Wadd

        * Aztec mythology

              o Coyolxauhqui

              o Metztli

              o Tecciztecatl

        * Babylonian mythology

              o Sin

        * Basque mythology

              o Ilazki

        * Cahuilla mythology

              o Menily

        * Canaanite mythology

              o Jarih

              o Nikkal

        * Celtic mythology

              o Góntia

              o Lair báln

        * Chibcha mythology

              o Chia

              o Chie

        * Chinese mythology

              o Chang'e or Heng O. The moon does not represent any deity in Chinese culture. The moon is a palace where immortals and fairies live.

        * Dahomean mythology

              o Gleti

        * Elamite mythology

              o Napir

        * Egyptian mythology

              o Chons

              o Thoth

        * Etruscan mythology

              o Losna

        * Greek mythology

              o Artemis

              o Hecate

              o Phoebe

              o Selene

              o Rhea

        * Hattic mythology

              o Kaskuh

        * Hindu mythology

              o Anumati

              o Chandra (Indu)

              o Soma

        * Hurrian mythology

              o Kusuh

        * Incan mythology

              o Coniraya

              o Ka-Ata-Killa

              o Mama Quilla

        * Indonesian mythology

              o Dewi Shri

              o Silewe Nazarate

        * Inuit mythology

              o Alignak

              o Igaluk

              o Tarquiup Inua

        * Japanese mythology

              o Marishi-Ten

              o Tsukuyomi

        * Kachin mythology

              o Shitta

        * Latvian mythology

              o Meness

        * Lusitanian mythology

              o Ataegina

        * Mandjindja mythology

              o Kidili

        * Maya mythology

              o Ahau-Kin

              o Ixbalanque

              o Ixchel

        * Middle-earth in the fiction of J. R. R. Tolkien

              o Tilion

        * Mochican mythology

              o Si

        * Navaho mythology

              o Yoołgai asdząąn

        * Norse mythology

              o Mani

        * Orokolo mythology

              o Papare

        * Pagan rituals in Medieval Italy

              o Madonna Oriente

        * Palmarene mythology

              o Aglibol

        * Pawnee mythology

              o Pah

        * Persian mythology

              o Mah

        * Philippine mythology

              o Mayari

        * Phrygian mythology

              o Men

        * Polynesian mythology

              o Avatea

              o Fati

              o Ina

              o Hina-Kega

              o Hina-Uri

              o Lona

              o Mahina

              o Marama

              o Sina

              o Ul

        * Pygmy mythology

              o Arebati

        * Roman mythology

              o Diana

              o Luna

        * Semitic mythology

              o Terah

        * Seran mythology

              o Dapie

        * Slavic mythology

              o Myesyats

        * Sumerian mythology

              o Nanna (Suen)

        * Sumu mythology

              o Udó

        * Thracian mythology

              o Bendis

        * Tupinamba mythology

              o Ari

        * Urartian mythology

              o Selardi

        * Vodou

              o Kalfu

    Some female ones I know include Diana, Artemis, Luna, Phoebe and Hecate. This list at the link in the sources will help you more :)

  2. Greek Goddess of the moon- Selene

    Roman Goddes of the moon- Luna

    Greek Goddess of the sea-Amphitrite

    Roman Goddess of the sea-Poseidon

  3. There are many Moon Goddesses.  Here is a partial list:

    A (also Sirdu, Sirrida): Moon Goddess of Chaldeans. Depicted as a disk with eight rays.

    Annit: Northern Babylonian Goddess who was superseded by Ishtar. Originally the ruler of the moon, Annit was portrayed as a disk with eight rays. She and Sin, a male moon god would come to the aid of mortals.

    Arianrod: Welsh Moon Goddess and one of several children of the mother Goddess Don. Her home was in the constellation Corona Borealis.

    Artemis: Moon Goddess of both Greeks and the legendary Amazons. Worshipers payed homage to her on nights of the ful moon by reveling in the forest under the moon’s light. She was associated with the Waxing Moon.

    Artimpaasa: Scythian Moon Goddess.

    Athenesic: Native American Moon Goddess.

    Auchimalgen: Chilean Moon Goddess who served as protector of the Auracanians.

    Britomartis: Originally a Crean Moon Godess, later assimilated by the conquering Greeks. Britomartis would appear in the night’s sky to aid sea going navigators.

    Candi: The female counterpart to Chandra, ancient Hindy lord of the Moon. The two were said to take turns: one month the moon would be Candi, the next Chandra.

    Caotlicue: Aztec Moon Goddess and wife of the Sun God. Sometimes called the lunar counterpart to the Earth Goddess Coatlicue.

    Chang-o (also Chang-wo, Heng-E, Heng-O): Chinese Moon Goddess. According to legend, she was the wife of a famous archer to who the gods had promised immortality. Chang-o stood her husband’s magical potion, drank it, and was forced to escape his wrath by fleeing to the moon in the shape of a frog. She is represented in the dark spots of the moon as a three-legged frog.

    Dae-Soon: Korean Moon Goddess

    Diana: Roman assimilation of the Greek Moon Goddess Artemis. Diana was often portrayed riding the moon, with a bow in her hands. She was frequently worshiped out in the open, so she could look down at her faithful.

    Europa: A Cretan Goddess who had lunar attributes; her consort animal was a bull. Europa takes it’s name from her.

    Gnatoo: Moon Goddess of the Friendly Islands. Her portrayal, as a woman pounding out tapa, is a motif of Polynesian woman-in-the-moon myths.

    Gwaten: Japanese Buddist lunar Goddess, one of twelve Buddist deities called the Jiu No O, adopted from Hindu mythology. Gwaten is derived from the Hindu God Soma, and is portrayed as a woman holding in her right hand, a disk symbollizing the Moon.

    Hanwi: Oglala Moon Goddess who lived with the Sun God Wi. She was tricked by a woman into giving up her seat next to Wi and was shamed. She left Wi’s home and went her own way, as a punishment she was forced to give up rulership of dawn and twilight, and to hide her face when near the sun.

    Hecate: Greek Moon Goddess who came out at night carrying a torch and accompanied by dogs. She was said to frequent crossroads, where statues to her were erected. A triple Goddess, she was sometimes pictured as having the heads of a dog, a horse, and a serpent. Worshippers paid tribute on nights of the full moon by leaving offerings at her statues. As queen of the night, Hecate ruled spirits, ghosts, and infernal creatures such as ghouls. She was the patroness of Witchcraft.

    Hina (also Ina): Polynesian Goddess. In Hawaiian mythology, her full name is Hina-hanaia-ka-malma, which means “the woman who worked in the moon”. Various stories tell how she went there. In one story, she sailed her canoe to the moon. In another, her brother, angered by noise she was making after a night of heavy drinking, threw her into the heavens. In Tahitian and Hawaiian myths, she grew weary of beating out tapa and escaped her drudgery by fleeing to the moon. In another Hawaiian myth, a chief lured her up from a land under the seas, and from her gourd came the moon and the stars. Another myth credits her with creating the first coconuts with Te Tuna “The Eel.”.

    Huitaca (also Chia): Moon Goddess to the ancient Chibacha Native Americans, who lived in what now is Columbia. Huitaca was depicted as an owl. Representing the spirit of joy and pleasure, she was constantly at odds with the male Bochica, who stood for hard work, and a solemn approach to daily living. In some legends, Huitaca was the wife of Bochica, whom she had trid to ruin by destroying his believers by unleashing a great flood. He took vengance on her by hurling her into the sky, and turning her into the moon.

    Ishtar (also Asdar, Astar, Istar, Istaru): Babylonian Goddess who ruled the Moon, derived in part from the Sumerian goddess Inanna. In some accounts Ishtar was the daughter of the Moon God Sin and sister of Shamash the Sun God. According to legend, on a trip to the underworld to find Tammuz, her dead lover, she had shed her clothes, which caused the moon to darken. On her return trip, as she regained her clothes, the moon brightened again.

    Isis: Egyptian Goddess who was both the moon and the mother of the sun. She was depicted holding a papyrus scepter and the ankh, which represents life.

    Ix Chel: Mayan Goddess of the Moon. Ix Chel and the Sun were lovers, but because the sun was always jealous, it was a stormy relationship. The Sun would routinely tell her to leave heaven, only to set off to find her again. Travelling the night sky, Ix Chel would make herself invisible when the sun approached.

    Juno: Roman Sky and Moon Goddess. The apprearance of the new moon would bring out her women worshipers.

    Lalal (also Losna, Lucna): Etruscan Moon Goddess

    Luna: Roman Goddess of the Moon. Associated with Selene, Diana, and Hecate.

    Mah: Persian Moon Goddess, whose light makes plants grow.

    Mama Quilla: Incan Moon Goddess who protected married women. Her most famous temple was erected at Cuzco, seat of the Incan Empire. She was portrayed as a silver disk with feminine features. It was said eclipses resulted when Mama Quilla was eaten by a heavenly jaguar.

    Mawa: African Moon Goddess, who ruled the heavens with her twin brother, Lisa.

    Metztli: Aztec Moon Goddess. According to mythology, Metztli would leap into a blazing fire to give birth to the sun in the morning sky.

    Pandia: Greek Goddess associated with Selene, the Greek Goddess of the Full Moon.

    p***e (also Persea, Persels): Early Greek Moon Goddess.

    Pheraia: Little is known about this Thessalian Goddess. Possibly, she was associated with the moon because she was depicted carrying a torch and riding a bull, a lunar animal.

    Rabie: Indonesian Moon Goddess.

    Ri (also Re): Phoenician Moon Goddess

    Sardarnuna: Sumerian Goddess of the New Moon.

    Selene (also Mene, Selena): Greek Goddess of the Full Moon. Wearing wings and a crescent crown, Selene rode in a chariot pulled by two white horses.

    Teczistecatal: Ancient Mexican Moon Goddess.

    Titania: Epithet for Diana, Roman Moon Goddess

    Tlazolteotl (also Tlaculteutl): Aztec s*x Goddess who may have had lunar associations. Tlazolteotl whose name means “Lady of Dirt”, produced lust and then forgave those who lusted. She especially favoured illicit affairs. She had four aspects, which have been interpreted in modern times as representing four phases of the moon.

    Yellow Woman: Huntress Godess of the Keres, a Pueblo tribe. Yellow Woman is similar to the Roman’s Diana and also appears to have lunar associations; her name itself is evocative of moonlight. In myths that seem to explain phases and the moon’s occasional daytime appearances, Yellow Woman is killed at night and her brother, Arrow Youth, searches for her with the help of Great Star. Arrow Youth wants her to be alive during the day. He is told by the chief of spirits that she will stay away for four days. He searches for her among melon rinds, symbols of the crescent moon. Then her heart is found, and her head is washed. She puts on a dress and is seen during the day.

    Yemanja: Ocean Goddess of Brazilian Macumba, Yemanja also has lunar associations. She is portrayed as the crescent moon.

    Yohuatliceti: Moon Goddess of the ancient Mexicans.

    Yolkai Estsan (also Yokalikaiason): Navajo moon Goddess. Make from abalone shell, Yolkai was the sister of the Sky Goddess Estsatehi.

    Zarpandit (also Zerbanit, Zerbanitu, Zerpanitum, and Beltis): Babylonian Goddess worshipped nightly at the appearance of the moon.

    Zirna: Etruscan Moon Goddess. She was depected wearing a half moon around her neck.

    For more Moon Goddesses, see

  4. depends on the culture but Luna was the Roman Goddess of the moon hence how we get the term "lunar" refering to the moon.  The roman god of the sea/ocean was Neptune.

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