
...need help. please im beggin u for advise.?

by  |  earlier

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so my bf is 17 and he'll turn 18 aug 11, and he said he really wants to be with me. and im in foster care. and we have had sx. but i was on bc. but i miss took it once and i dont know if it worked and i think i may be pregnat but idk whats gonna happene cuz im in foster care. what would happene to some one in my xcase

1 hour ago - 3 days left to answer.

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46 minutes ago

ok. im about to turn 14. to k. an we wasnt planin on it thta day we did. and hes not a perve cuz ive known him my whole life ad weve een good friends for like 2 years. i met him thro his brothers. so yea. we didnt just go out to date someoen we actully do have a realtionship so yea




  1. First of all, calm down!  You may not even be pregnant, right?  Go to Planned Parenthood ASAP.  They can give you a pregnancy test and help you decide what to do... and they are completely confidential and usually don't charge you if you much, if anything.  Check out their website then find one in your area.  

    In the mean time, don't drink, smoke or anything else that could harm the fetus, just in case.

  2. honey, im soo sorry. You need to tell ur foster mom!! Please dont do an abortion!! But you should put it up for adoption!!

    Wish you the best of luck!!

  3. I would advise you to talk to your foster mother.  However since I am a foster parent I can tell you what may happen.  In the state of Minnesota (where I do my foster care)  If a foster child has a child I then become the foster parent of that child as well or I can decide to no longer take in the foster child and send them to another family (which I would NEVER do).  At that point the foster parent, foster child and the father of the child would have to speak to the foster child's case worker.  If the child is under the age of 16 and the father is 18 or older the state would press stagatory rape charges on the father of the child.  This would put you, him and the foster family in a crunch.  I would strongly suggest taking a pregnancy test which you can buy at the store (about $10.00)  if you are not pregnant great if you are tell your foster parent immediatly then ask her what she would like you to do and why she woud like you to do them.  Follow her advice if she loves you like her own child which she should she will understand.  I am personally against abortions for pregnancies that could of been prevented and since you were not raped I would inform you to have the child and just would not allow the father to interact with the social worker. (I would inform the social worker you are not sure who the father is.)  Then when you turn 18 hopefully no more pregnancies and you and the father are still on good terms for the sake of the child and let you live your life.  So in a nutshell

    1. Take a test

    2. Tell foster parent

    3. DO NOT give the father's information to case worker

    4. Wait until you are 18 and no longer in foster care to have the father involved legally

    5.  Make sure the father is involved with the child emotionally and financially until you are 18

    6. Continue to have contact with your foster parent after you are 18 so your child knows his/her gramma/grampa since she will be the one responsible for seeing to it that you and the child are taken care until you turn 18.

  4. If you are pregnant, please get an abortion or give it up for adoption.

  5. ur to young to have a baby...

    but follow ur heart with him...

    ur in foster care so i know for a fact that they wont let u go until u turn 18 no matter wat...unless u go to the court and fight ur way through all the legal stuff

  6. dont listen to the other girl. Maybe he or his family can take you in.

  7. I'm so sorry to hear about your situation! PLEASE, DO NOT listen to the first post! Adoption is a great option but PLEASE do not do an abortion...I know a family here where I live that have been dieing to adopt a baby for years and I know there are TONS of other families out there that are the same way, so your baby will go to a good home!

    Unfortunatly whatever you do your boyfriend is going to get into trouble. You can't have an abortion without parental consent, and you can't have this baby without anyone knowing. The state will step in and your boyfriend is going to be in some trouble!

    Your a kid still and the best option for your child (if you are pregant) is that you put it up for adoption and someone that is older and more stable will be able to provide a good home for the baby! You can do open adoptions where you get to pick the people that will be adopting and in some cases they let you name the baby and let you have updates on the baby and contact with the baby! If you just want to put it up for adoption and try to go on with your life and let in be in the past (which I think would be hard and nearly impossible) then closed adoption is the way to go.

    what ever you decide, you NEED to go talk to your foster mom or your caseworker!

    Good Luck!

  8. sweetie your only fourteen, your just a baby yourself. not that i am encourageing you to get an abortion but how will you care for another person? please dont take it wrong but to answer your question...if indeed you are pregnant and in foster care the state is your "parent" and they will take legal action against your boyfriend even if you consented to have s*x for teh simple fact that you are a minor and they will probably move you to another home. if i were you i would have your foster parent take you to a doctor and then take it from there. ultimately the choice IS yours. just remember that if you are indeed pregnant your life is not just about you anymore.

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