1. How did humans come to settle in all parts of the Americas and in Oceania?
Humans were able to sesttle in all parts of the Americas and in Oceania because of a landbridge. Declined sea levels during the last ice age resulted in a landbridge that connected Siberia w/ Alask and Australia w/ New Guinea. 18,000 years ago ice melted creating the Bering Straight, but communities were already settled beyonde that region. Thus, early migrants then interacted w/ other people of the Americas and Oceania.
2.How did the religion of the Maya reflect and reinforce their economy and governmental structure?
The religion of the Maya was based from the Popol Vun, a creation myth, that reinforces the necessary tasks of bloodshedding, or sacrifice. Mayan priests taught that the gods would keep the world abundent of agriculture in exchange for sacrificial humans. The bloodletting rituals honored gods for rain to grow crops. This religious thought reflected their governmental structure because it allowd priests to be a class at the top of the hierarchical society, beeing that they were important to connect w/ the gods for ag. Also, it shows why most of their population were slaves, because they were important to use as sacrificial victims for the gods.