
$ocialist $ecurity, medicare, medicaid, K-12 education, welfare, unemployment insurance.?

by Guest57867  |  earlier

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A list of inefficient, ineffective socialist government programs that would be better managed by the private sector.

Dems will have none of it changed from it's current form because they use those programs to buy the votes of the lower class.

Socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried. Somehow dems think they can make it work. So far, so bad.

Can you prove me wrong? (No!)




  1. yeah actually I can.  Can you prove me wrong.  You never really stated your argument as to why they dont work, you simply said they dont.  So that leaves you open to be proven wrong.  You state your case and we can see whos wrong.

  2. If you have a point to make, you didn't make it.

  3. Social Security and medicare have worked and worked well. If the Republicans would stop stealing the funds to pay for tax cuts we would be far better off.  

    I can prove you wrong easily. I think it is making the Republicans look crazy to be screaming "commie".

    The Republicans are engaging in the largest transfer of wealth in our history from the majority to the rich. Fifty percent of all the output of this country, of all the good and services, are going to the richest 5%.  

    All you have to do is follow the money to see what is the current truth.

    The Republican "privatized" the health care by letting the for profits buy out the non profits. They said it would result in lower health care costs and cover more people.

    How did that work out for us?

    They deregulated the banks letting brokerages act like banks, credit unions act like mortgage brokers, and allow anybody to be a mortgage broker to free up the private sector.

    How is that going?

    They allowed energy futures trading that gave us ENRON.

    This Republican administration is most corporate tied in our history and the most tied to the oil industry. How has that done?

    All these supply side tax cuts have our economy booming right?

    As this President has borrowed more money from foreign governments than all the presidents before him combined.  

    They took us from surpluses to the biggest deficits in our history? Can you find your shrinking dollars?

    Wait until you get a taste of their inflation.

    I could go on and on about what the Republicans have done to us. Most people, if they don't KNOW at this point they certainly are feeling it and sensing it.

  4. In Britain, people were given the option of opting out of the public pension scheme, and investing their money with private firms. The privatization of these funds was an unmitigated dissastor.

    People's pension funds started to disappear do to corruption at the private firms. No one could account for what had happened to the money, which amounted to several billion pounds.

    As for your statement that socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried, I'm not going to comment.

    I will say, however, that programs like government funded health care, social security pensions, and unemployment insurance seem to work very well in countries where there is plenty of oversight, and the government is democratically elected.

    The Democratic Party, even though it is thought of as a liberal party in the US, is still farther to the right than the most conservative politcal parties in Britain, Canada, France, Italy... well every country in Western Europe.

    Here's the problem with social programs in the states... There aren't enough political parties that regularly get members elected to the legislatures. Political parties should live in fear of what's called 'minority governance'.

  5. You have not proved your point, you are just making the same generalized comments that people who disagree with you would make.  Back up your statements with some facts and then maybe you will have a valid argument.

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