
( plenty of life in me yet?!) That was high, for me and him!!?

by  |  earlier

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I was watching my 15yr old daughter on her pony this afternoon, and didn't take kindly to my constructive critisism, so she leapt off him and said,

'If it's that blumming simple you do it then!'


Imagine her surprise, not to mention mine, when I managed to get a 15:2hh cob over a 4 foot fence with a 2 foot spread!

I am no spring chicken and don't jump anymore, so this has made my day!!

My daughter did say 'wow!' too!

have you surprised yourself today?




  1. yup I went bowling with a group of friends and I got all of the pins down 4 really couldn't believe it

  2. That one will get you many miles!!!! No, no surprises yet....but the day isn't over!!!!!  You give me hope.

  3. No not today, but I would have been surprised if I managed to stay on the horse after that!

    I have a friend who has a cob that can jump like a stag!

    Anything is possible!

  4. sorry i dont believe you,, yes i got a proper dressage canter from my horse today.

  5. Wow, well done on getting him over the fence!

    Yup, I've surprised myself by not getting my new half-chaps muddy when I went to collect my horse from the field. Oh, and I was surprised about the fact thta I actually managed to catch him easily lol!

  6. Yes!  Despite the heat and the amount of physical work I had to do today in my charity work, I managed NOT to have a hypoglycaemic attack.  Used to have about 4 a day!

  7. When I was 15 I would have passed out had my mom got on and showed me up like that.  I could never take criticism at that age.  Now that I look back on it, even though my mom never tried to get on and show me up, she knew what she was talking about, and I wish I would've listened back then like I do now.  Atleast for me, my mom didn't get so furious with me that she quit riding with me, her and I are best trail buddies now, I am almost 21 now, and I listen to everything she tells me, because now i understand that she can see the little things that I can't, and she has helped me out of a lot of jams that way over the past few years.  I guess she used to jump her horse bareback when she was a kid, so I am sure she could show me up on my 24 year old warmblood, or the 5 year old thoroughbred that I am leasing.

    As for surprising myself, I really haven't today, but the other night, my horse spooked, and I was unprepared for it, I fell off, hit the ground pretty hard, and my husband told me to call it a night, but I made myself get back on because I didn't want end on a bad note.  I have some good bruises to prove the fall, but I am just proud that I was able to get back on and not be nervous, and I still feel good about myself today because of it =].

  8. totaly! as we breed alot of cobs/hunt/competition horses and ponies, i and the grooms school them on and compete them. 1 of them was jumping my show cob, who i know can jump and totaly loves it but hasnt been competed in showjumping for a few years. She demolished every jump on the course, around a 2ft9  course (15.3hh 12yo tbxid). As i dont do so much jumping, just teach it, i entered in the last class which was 1.20m! i only every sj'ed when i was younger and so it was a bit different to WH classes! he went clear, clr thru the jump off at 1.30m and won the class!!!!

    everyone was chuffed and the horse was on fire!

  9. Yeah; big wow.

    I've got a 15.2h, 15 year-old Morab mare that I've been taking over 5'5" and 5ft wide oxers for years, and I'm 51.

  10. wow, im 16 but i know how i would feel if my mum did that! proud! well done, lol but no, i havnt suprised myself :(

  11. i beat my sister on a gamecube game! shes got the biggest head EVER and i deflated it! lol

  12. wow good way to show her!!! lol   :D

  13. Nice! I am often guilty of refusing to listen to my mother when she critiques my riding (im 15 as well). If she ever did that, I would probably fall over.

  14. I always listen to my trainer's (since my mom doesn't ride) critisism because I've heard too many horror stories of teenagers who didn't.

    I've surprised myself by just reading alot on horses and barrel racing, and after 4 months my 13.2hh, 14 year old mare and I were getting 21 seconds around the barrels. And I've only been riding for two years, barrels for 4 months. Its surprising what knowledge can do.

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