
" Although I have chance, I will be first in line "

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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Until January 22 many Ukrainians believed that the absence of fatalities in demonstrations and rallies Euromaidán was proof of the high degree of civic responsibility acquired by their country. In the fall of 2004, during the Orange Revolution, nor deaths were reported, and this led some to think that the ability to resolve social disputes without fatalities had become a feature of the "national character" of the new Ukraine, although disputes have sometimes come to blows and jolts settled (which was not often in parliament) and launches rubber bullets and tear gas.

Ideas about the alleged overcoming lethal violence were brutally denied Wednesday reality, which opened a new era when street clashes Hrushevskoho two men (Sergey Nigoyán, 20, and Mikhail Zhiznevski) died as a result of gunshot wounds. According to one version, Nigoyán, a member of the Defence units Euromaidán, he was hit in the neck and another in the chest. According to another, the bullets that hit him was four. The young man came from a family of Armenian origin settled in a village in the province of Dnepropetrovsk. In a video circulating widely on the Internet is seen, with barricades Euromaidán backdrop while solemnly read verses of Taras Shevchenko, namely fragments of the poem The Caucasus (1845), in which the great Ukrainian writer urges people of the lands to the uprising against the Russian settlers.

Nigoyán studying at a sports academy where he had been expelled because, according to its director, missing school due to family problems. In a supposed interview, published in Facebook, Nigoyán explains that the December 8 arrived by train from Dnepropetrovsk to Kiev, where he went from his people searching in vain for a recruiting center to bring him to Euromaidán.

Nigoyán linked his "future" with this event, which came to lose sleep and led him to leave home. In the capital, spent the night at the headquarters of the unions, or where tents had "free site ". "I'm not tired, I sometimes have the impression that there is progress, but if there is danger, I'll be in the front row," he reportedly said, according to an interview published on his alleged Facebook.

The case of Mikhail Zhiznevski is less clear. According to the news service Pravda Ukrainskaia, it would be a Belarusian who had fled their country because of political problems there. In Ukraine had been a member of the nationalist organization UNA- Unzo and had several pseudonyms. Like Nigoyán, a member of the Defence Service Euromaidán and who claim to have known what he characterized as "brave" and " brilliant." It is believed to come from the city of Gomel.

In the list that is changing the perception of the peaceful resolution of conflicts in Ukraine Yuri figure also Verbitsky, a protester, apparently from the city of Lvov, who was abducted by men in plain clothes while being treated at a clinic on Sunday. Verbitsky appeared later killed in a forest outside the capital. Igor Lutsenko, the activist who accompanied him to the hospital, was also kidnapped but was released.

The list of victims can be extended with new names. Media Advocacy Service Euromaidán claim that members of the BERKUT (​​special intervention units) have been about 20 bodies to a morgue in Kiev. Upon the death of Verbitsky, police have opened a criminal investigation for " premeditated murder." The men dressed in civilian clothes who are dedicated to intimidate activists are known as titushi.

 Tags: chance, line


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