
" If you became suddenly wealthy"

by  |  earlier

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" How would it change your life , would you forget all your friends and family , or dish the cash like you have said you would ? would you forget about high inflation and living on the bread line ? "




  1. no way not to make a sob story but my family have always struggled so much i'd firstly make sure my mum got everything she ever wanted my family would deff be the first people o'd care for if i came into big money

  2. I'd pay back my parents for the things I would have to, pay off their mortgages, buy them a holiday or something.

    I would then buy myself a house, and donate money to research for the illness I have which they cannot yet cure.

    The rest would go in the bank.

    I would still get a job, even if I had a a million pounds. I couldn't imagine carrying on not working if I were healthy.

  3. If I ever win or inherited millions and millions of money, the first thing I would do is to put aside half of the money for my children for their future, and the rest, well, get out-of-debt and buy a decent house for my family, but definitely would not still quit my day-job though, for sure! :-)

  4. The first rule of money management: diversify!

    In lay terms, don't put all your eggs in one basket. The commodities market is a good choice (gold, silver - oil these days), T-bills (US treasury bills) are a good way to earn interest safely, and the traditional savings account so you can quickly liquefy your assets (get cash) - although for savings accounts the FDIC (the government) only insures your account up to a certain point (if your bank goes bankrupt, the government will give you the money you lost up to that amount).

    If you take care of your money like this, you can live off the interest and have a continual flow of income - plus you'll get to keep all your money!

  5. I know everyone always says they'll give to charity, take care of their family etc., but I honestly would do that for them.

    I'd want to start my own little foundation, for research into panic disorders and general awareness of the condition.  

    I'd set up my own college fund and put away some for my nonexistent kids and my little sisters.

    I'd get my parents something... Not really sure what yet.

    The rest would be for fun.  :D

  6. I would bank the multi millions, following refurbishing the house, be a nicer person to be around, be able to dispense with my familial responsibilities and sleep soundly. I would also sing the praises of God with a degree of sincerity, and be in a position to continue helping others free themselves from depression and oppression, I dream...

  7. I think it will be disrupting of the life I've known. I have told myself that if ever I became wealthy, I would take a road trip to think and look "outside" of my present life to see what positive changes need to be made.  

    Please understand that we all make choices for ourselves everyday before wealthy times.

    One of my biggest concerns has been meeting my obligations and it would be nice to know that my obligations are going to be met.  As far as knowing how to enjoy extra money?  I've lived modestly all my life and that is who I am, I doubt that I could live extravagant.  I have been generous to my family, enjoying family as a priority.  If I could afford to be generous to my community, I would like to fund a free youth center like was available to me when I was growing up.

    Thanks for the one minute of wealth.

  8. I would consult a lawyer and a financial analyst. Invest a good bit in safe things like bonds. I would invest some of it in stocks, but it would be the bigger companies.

    I would buy a house on some land, perhaps pay for it in full, even though they say you should pay for appreciable assets in inflated dollars. The peace of mind that you own the property outright would be compelling.

    The rest of the time I would spend making sure my wife didn't give it all away to the kids or some animal  

  9. I would invest the money i got in a project 4 the sake of my community, that helps people esp people inneed, poor, sick ,old, children. this can support my family and the people around me. There r many old negelected people,something like  a house can be opened esp for their care. there r children that do not have computers in their houses or adultds that r illiterate, something like a big library or work shop can be built schools can be built to help. Factories that provide jobs 4 people and products needed by society. many things can be done. If people who have money and r wealthy in this world used what they have for good causes, to help others, many of our world conflicts and problems will decrease or cease 2 be found. The use of wealth,

    depends on the human faith, in what does he beleive.

  10. I have been struggling for too long to get carried away with money - there are certain things I've learnt about money management that I can't forget!  I think I'll pay off my parents debt and help out my brother, and I'd put loads of money into a few smaller charities.  Then keep the rest in a bank account til I need it.  I wouldn't tell people, I'd hate for my money to change things.

  11. In theory you would become another King Solomon in practice be ready to s***w things up....

  12. NOONE can honestly say what they would do or how they would become...MONEY has a lot of control over people and will change you

  13. what a great question thank you ...

    I would get the medical help i need for my condition .. i would set up a retirement anuity for my mother ... i would help my sister get out of debt ..

    i would send a very nice gift to my close friend and his wife

    i would set up high yield investment accounts for my nephews ..

    then i would trave a bit .... do some investing

    i would set up a childrens charity or two ..

    and i would return to school ..

  14. I would buy a small holding and start a life of produce and barter.  Then I would think about what to do.

    Because actually this question would take a great deal more thought than this.

  15. id whip it all in the bank and live as i normally would knowing if i ever have financial trouble i have something to fall back on and the interest from that much cash in the bank would be awesome

  16. i would give some to a good cause and keep the rest to my self...

    i wouldnt 4get about not selfish


  17. I am a young girl with many dreams.  I will reserve a major chunk for my higher education.  Educations is way too expensive these days and I wouldn't need to apply for loans.  I will see the world.  I will give gifts to everyone I love and invest the rest for future use.

  18. I don't have any friends.

  19. Make sure my family were all OK financially, and then I'd work for charities, using my career experience to bring the plight of the needy to the fore.

  20. I would have everything I have now, only bigger and better,after I had given most away to family and friends

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