
" Yanukovych can become the Ceaucescu of Ukraine"

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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" The Party of Regions and disintegrates in its current form will cease to exist this year," said Inna Bogoslovskaya, Member of the Supreme Rada (Parliament) and, until he left the party, one of the most popular faces of the formation of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

Jurist, and from the city of Kharkiv, Bogoslovskaya was the first deputy Rada left his membership in the Party of Regions (PR) after a police crackdown against Euromaidán at night from 29 to 30 November. " The opposition is key to preserve at all costs the Parliament as a place to seek a political solution to the crisis," says this woman who keeps his seat as an independent.

Bogoslovskaya tries to convince his former teammate in the PR follow suit and also to persuade the opposition to be cozy with the defectors. Until the end of last week only four legislators had imitated. To obtain an absolute majority in the Rada (450 deputies), the Party of Yanukovych, who has more than two hundred, must ally with independents and communists.

In an interview with El Pais, Bogoslovskaya is satisfied because " the opposition has decided to give guarantees of security and reach out to all Members leaving the PR." " Each person needs specific assurances, so no private conversations with each deputy " he explains. "You have to guarantee that defend your property, because that is as sacred as human rights law, and certain private guarantees are also needed, because the authorities used sophisticated techniques in how to scare everyone."

During this interview, held last Thursday, Bogoslovskaya believes that President Yanukovych had not slept well the night before because the opposition leaders had joined his staff Euromaidán destination to destination. This " twinning " he explains, had destroyed the strategy " consisting cause a high level of tension " president. " Yanukovich, who is always defined as a player, does not understand that the era of political players has been replaced by the actual policy," he says.

" Yanukovych does not listen to anyone, do not understand that there are real people who hates him and is willing to defy bullets without getting paid for it," said quoting sources close to the head of state.

" The Party of Regions has taken a turn in their tactics and strategy as previously relied on their own strength and now does in the Kremlin," he says. " The package of laws approved Jan. 16 by the Parliament is a carbon copy of Russian laws to ensure the dictatorship," he says.

According to the deputy, links in the chain of transmission from Moscow is the new head of the presidential administration, Andréu Kliúyev, and Victor Medvechuk (another former Head of Administration), which has very good relations with Putin, and " was involved, without have any status at meetings of the Security Council before the attempted dispersion Euromaidán ".

Create Bogoslovskaya Ukrainian politicians did not pay enough attention to Yanukovych talks with his colleague Vladimir Putin on the eve of the summit Vilnius, when it seemed that the Ukrainian was " smooth " Russia's reaction to the expected signing of Association with the EU.

"When Yanukovych signed the agreements that Russia gives credits [ buy government bonds worth 11,000 million euros ] had the same appearance as Timoshenko [ the jailed Yulia ] when signing gas import contracts," says burdensome agreements referring to 2009 by the former Prime Minister was sentenced to seven years in prison. " They were terribly frightened. A Timoshenko shook hands and shoulders and Yanukovych, cheeks and knees. " " They understood they were selling the country in exchange for support of Putin in the presidential election." " Yanukovych afraid to die violently and I think this fear is one of their primal instincts. So, I think Putin could play with that fear, regardless of the economy, " he says.

Do you think that Yanukovych was threatened? " Yes " answers. " My information is that after one interview with Putin, Yanukovych became terribly frightened. We thought it was a ploy by Yanukovych to sign the dismissal Association Agreement with Europe, but apparently the talks were very serious. "

" Putin and Yanukovych hate," said Rep. recalling an internal meeting of party where President remarked how difficult it was to deal with his Russian counterpart, a fact which, according to her, was exploited by the pro-Europeans of the Party of Regions to drive course towards the EU. Now things have changed. Perspective there is "a great Russian business they promised to allow access by the president's family, if Yanukovych is reelected."

Should the security guarantees that Bogoslovskaya recommended for the PR exdiputados be extended to Yanukovych? " If Yanukovych is decant by the state of emergency and the mass arrest of leaders at all levels, would become the Ceaucescu Ukraine and no one could save," referring to the Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, who was executed during the revolution of 1989. " Yanukovich believed he could entrap the opposition and leaders of this would go to a special session of Parliament, ostensibly to abolish the law of 16 January, but to actually vote the state of emergency, after which they would be arrested to go outside. He was convinced that the leaders would be scared and that would be the end of history, " he says.

The relationship with the PR Bogoslovskaya has been hectic. A Career deputy said he found more than once in support of Yanukovych for policy reforms intended to " modernize Ukraine". But " Yanukovych has changed and not acknowledge or their relatives. It behaves like a czar, has been isolated from the information, and are smeared with money. " President benefits from a scheme that gives " billions of dollars in cash, "namely the systematic collection of the tax from the corruption on all types of economic activity. " " They see the country like a factory. Estimated production of all types of activity and imposed tax corruption. Before, corruption was a social contract and is now a policy of power. It never got to this level, " he adds.

Review Bogoslovskaya Ukraine disintegrate risk, and the risk exists in the city of Kharkiv, the great intellectual of this city, which she says "has lumpenizado and where factories are standing " and also in Donetsk. " Rinat Akhmetov If [ the country's richest oligarch, coming from Donetsk ], sold his business to the Russians, as they try to force it, the region will in fact Russia and no fight for it. ".

The former deputy sees three possible evolutions of events: The first, in which Yanukovych risks follow the footsteps of Ceaucescu, is that attempts to end the Western Ukrainian opposition transformed into a center of civic resistance. The second is a distressing prolongation of the crisis with a final compromise that gives the head of the State the opportunity to flee. The third, and most desirable, is a new configuration of the Parliament to draft a constitution to return to parliamentary-presidential system 2004. In this model, Yanukovych will not want to give the power, but there will be a duality, and this is the less bloody and more human scene says.

 Tags: Ceaucescu, Ukraine, Yanukovych


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