
"...defend the Constitution... against all enemies, foreign and domestic." So who gets to define "enemies"?

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"...defend the Constitution... against all enemies, foreign and domestic." So who gets to define "enemies"?




  1. People who have a lot more information than we do.

  2. Are you aware that you answered your own question?

    Think about it:

    "Support and uphold the Constitution of the United States"

    "against all enemies, foreign and domestic"

    So - by parsing this phrase it becomes obvious that the meaning of these words is that an 'enemy' is anybody who wants to achieve political change in the US using techniques not allowed by that document.

  3. The Commander in Chief and the powers that be.

  4. a person who feels hatred for, fosters harmful designs against, or engages in antagonistic activities against another; an adversary or opponent.

    at least that's what it says at


  5. US does with Guantanamo bay instead of joining the ICC because the US gov't knows it would face charges in the court.

  6. Unfortunately, more often than not, the domestic enemies get to define 'enemies'.

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