
"-"I am the City of Knowledge and Ali is its Gate"?

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Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Said:"Ana Madinatul 'ilm wa Aliun Babuha"-"I am the City of Knowledge and Ali is its Gate".

What Do sunni say about this Saying??

Ya Ali Madad




  1. Allah,the Most High is the only One we seek help from. nothing and noone else.

  2. Ali lived in the household of the Prophet (pbuh) almost like a son, and then he married Fatima. So he has a personal ingrained knowledge of the character of Mohammed (pbuh) like no other. His formative years were spent in his presence.

  3. again this is in hadith,not authorized by Glorious Quran

    Prophet Muhammed also said eat 7 ajwah dates,one who eats,  magic and poison wouldnt effect  him..

    sunni says Ya Muhammed !

    both are wrong

    the right way is YA  ALLAH  MADAD

    "O you who believe, you shall remember God frequently; glorify Him day and night." [33:41]

    [2:186] When My servants ask you about Me, I am always near. I answer their prayers when they pray to Me. The people shall respond to Me and believe in Me, in order to be guided.

  4. we can't  say ya Ali madad!!

    or ya Mohammad madad

    Right way=> ya Allah madad.

  5. I say it makes perfect sense as Hazrat Ali (rz) was certainly a true and righteous Muslim and Khalifa.

    But the Prophet (sa) also said the following to make clear who is the best in his Ummah.

    “Abu Bakr is the best of men after me except a prophet should appear.” (Kanzul Ummal)

    “Abu Bakr is the best of the people after me except one who may be a prophet.” (Tabrani Kabir Kamil Ibne Adi quoted in Jame Saghir by Imam Suyuti, p.5)

    “Abu Bakr is the best of my followers except anyone who might be a prophet.” (Dalmy quoted by Kanzul Haqaiq of Imam Mondadi, p. 7)

    “Abu Bakr holds the highest place in this Ummah except that a prophet is raised amongst them.” (Dalmy quoted by Kanzul Haqaiq of Imam Mondadi, p. 7)

    Seems pretty clear.

    love for all, hatred for none.

  6. i never heard of it

    it most be a shia hadith which is fake one

    give us the reference and narration chain of this hadith if you got !


    you just made a HUGE SIN (Shirk)

    by this sentence (Ya Ali Maddad)!

    I'm Muslim

    so i would only say

    Ya Allah

    Ali is normal Human  and now is dead

    he can't help you

    Allah is the god not Ali

    when you shias will realize that when ?

    do you believe that ali is god?

    that the only explanation !

    @ Muhammad k  don't lie !!

    Muslims= sunni  don't say Ya Muhammad   only sufis say it!

    we Muslims sunni say Ya Allah only!

  7. Ya Ali madad?


    Ali cant help you he's resting in his grave,

    Only Allah can.

  8. oh ya he is what the prophetr said is true may allah gives us the power to stay true to him and to listen to what he says

    ya ali madad even though we don't say that in iraq lol but iran oh i went there they say it all the time we just say ya Ali but same thing both r great lol

  9. A Fabricated Hadith

    Ya Allah Madad

  10. Imam Ali(AS) was part of same Noor that of the Holy Prophet(SAW)

    Jazakum Allah

    Ya Ali Madad

  11. The Hadith (i.e. the city of knowledge…) has been shown/declared to be false/fabricated by the following scholars:

    Yahya Bin Ma’een

    Source: al Jarh wat-Ta’deel 6/99

    Su’alat ibn Junayd #185

    Tareekh Baghdad 11/205

    Ahmad Bin Hanbal

    Source: Tareekh Baghdad 11/49

    Ibn Hibban

    Source: al Majruheen 2/136

    Ibn ’Adi

    Source: al Kamel fi ad-Du’afa 1/311 & 316


    Source: Ta’liqat ‘ala al Majruheen 179

    Ibn Tahir al-Maqdisi

    Source: Dhakhirat al Huffadh 5/2578 - Tadhkirat al Huffadh #136

    Ibn Al-Arabi al Maliki

    Source: Ahkam al Quran 3/86

    Ibn A’sakir

    Source: Tareekh Dimashq 45\321

    Ibn Al-Jawzi

    Source: Al Mawdu’at 2/112-116


    Source: Tahdheeb al Asma’ wal-Lughat 1/348


    Source: Tahdheeb al Kamal 11/462

    Al Dhahabi

    Source: Mizan al-I’tidal 1/415 - 1/110

    Abu Ali Efendi Abdullah al-Ujari of Team Ahlel Bayt writes:

    In regards to the Hadith “I’m city of knowledge, and Ali is a gate”,

    Shaykh Albani judged the Hadith in “Jamiu sagir” (#3247) as “fabricated.”

    Shaykh Dhahabi judged the Hadith as “fabricated” in “Talkhees al-maudua” (1/115/#256).

    The Hadith is narrated from Ibn Abbas in al-Mustadrak as follows:

    [ 4637 ] حدثنا أبو العباس محمد بن يعقوب ثنا محمد بن عبد الرحيم الهروي بالرملة ثنا أبو الصلت عبد السلام بن صالح ثنا أبو معاوية عن الأعمش عن مجاهد عن بن عباس رضى الله تعالى عنهما قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أنا مدينة العلم وعلي بابها فمن أراد المدينة فليأت الباب

    One of the narrators is Abu Salat Abdus-salam ibn Salih, and he is a rejected narrator in accordance to majority of the Ulema.

    Mizzi in “Tahtheeb al Kamal” vol 18, #3421

    وقال أبو بكر المروذي سئل أبو عبد الله عن أبي الصلت فقال روى أحاديث مناكير

    Abu Bakr Marwadhi said: “I asked Abu Abdullah about Abu Salat, (and) he said: ‘(Abu Salat) narrated rejected (munkar) narrations.”

    وقال زكريا بن يحيى الساجي يحدث بمناكير هو عندهم ضعيف

    Zakariya ibn Yahya Sajji said: “(Abu Salat) narrated rejected narrations…he is weak.”

    وقال النسائي ليس بثقة وقال عبد الرحمن بن أبي حاتم سألت أبي عنه فقال لم يكن عندي بصدوق وهو ضعيف ولم يحدثني عنه

    Nasai said that Abu Salat is “not truthful.”

    Abdur-Rahman ibn Abu Hatim said: “I asked my father about him, he said: ‘Not truthful for me; he is weak; I’m not narrating from him!’”

    Ibn Hajar in “Tahtheeb at tahtheeb” 6/#619

    وقال العقيلى رافضي خبيث وقال مسلمة عن العقيلى كذاب وقال ابن حبان لا يجوز الاحتجاج به

    Ukayli said (about Abu Salat): “Rafidhi (Shia extremist), khabith (wicked).”

    Muslimat reported that Ukayli said: “(Abu Salat) is liar.” Ibn Hibban said: “It’s not permissible to rely on him.”

    وقال الحاكم والنقاش وأبو نعيم روى مناكير

    Hakim Naggash and Abu Nuaym said: “(Abu Salat) narrated munkira (rejected narrations).”

    وقال محمد بن طاهر كذاب

    Muhammad ibn Tahar said (about Abu Salat): “Liar.”

    Dhahabi in “Mizan” #5051:

    وقال ابن عدى: متهم.

    Ibn Adi said (about Abu Salat): “Accused!”

    وقال الدارقطني: رافضي خبيث متهم بوضع حديث: الايمان إقرار بالقلب (1). ونقل عنه أنه قال: كلب للعلوية خير من بنى أمية.

    Daraqutni said (about Abu Salat): “Rafidhi (Shia extremist), khabith (wicked). Accused in fabrication of narrations…”

    Ibn Adi said: “The narration is fabricated by Abu Salat.”

    Daraqutni further stated: “…Abu Salat is the man who fabricated this narration…And the groups of people steal this narration from him.”

    Ahmad ibn Hanbal was asked about this narration and replied: “May Allah disfigure Abu Salat!”

    In regards to the chain in #4638 of Mustadrak:

    [ 4638 ] حدثنا بصحة ما ذكره الإمام أبو زكريا ثنا يحيى بن معين ثنا أبو الحسين محمد بن أحمد بن تميم القنطري ثنا الحسين بن فهم ثنا محمد بن يحيى بن الضريس ثنا محمد بن جعفر الفيدي ثنا أبو معاوية عن الأعمش عن مجاهد عن بن عباس رضى الله تعالى عنهما قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أنا مدينة العلم وعلي بابها فمن أراد المدينة فليأت الباب

    One of the narrators is Husayn ibn Fahm who was not strong.

    Ibn Hajar al Askalani in “Lisan al mizan” (Vol.2, #1266):

    قال الحاكم ليس بالقوى

    Hakim said (about Husayn ibn Fahm): “Not strong.”

    ذكره الدار قطني فقال ليس بالقوى

    Daraqutni mentioned (Husayn ibn Fahm) and said: “Not strong.”

    The House of Wisdom and Ali is its Door

    In regards to the Hadith in which the Prophet supposedly used the wording “House of Knowledge” instead of “City of Knowledge”, this was narrated in Tirmidhi. But Tirmidhi himself said about it that it was “munkar (rejected).” Bukhari said: “There is nothing authentic in it.” Ibn Maeen said: “It’s a lie.” (“Kashful hafa” 1/203)

    Shaykh Dhahabi said in “Talkhees Kitab al-Maudua” (1/116) that it is “fabricated.”

    Shaykh Albani said in “Jamiu as-sagir” (#3238) said that the Hadith was “fabricated.”

    Ibn Daqiq said that the “narration is not steady; it is fabrication!” (Sahawi in “Makasidal Hasanat”, p.54)

    Shawkani also said it is fabrication, and he included it in his book on weak narrations. (see Fawaid al-Majmua, p.348, #51)

    The same is the case with Ibn al-Jawzi. (see “Maudua” 1/349-350-351)

    Nawawi said in “Tahzeeb Asma wa Lughat” (p.480) that both versions of the Hadith (I am the House of Wisdom…and I am the City of Knowledge) are false:

    وأما الحديث المروى عن الصنابحى، عن على، قال: قال رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم -: “أنا دار الحكمة، وعلى بابها”((1)). وفى رواية: “أنا مدينة العلم، وعلى بابها” ((2))، فحديث باطل، رواه الترمذى، وقال: هو حديث منكر

  12. I agree with that but I wonder what is the prove that some so-called good Sunnis over here have to give as they believe this is a weak hadith!

    lolz...........I don't understand if there was a level of everything Prophet(sawaw) said!

  13. What he (and others) mention is that this hadith does not entail that `Ali (RA) was superior in knowledge and virtue to all other Companions of the Messenger of Allah (Pbuh). Why? Because the basis is that a city doesn’t have just one gate. Rather, traditional cities customarily had four gates—one from each side. The Messenger of Allah (Pbuh) mentioning that Ali (RA) is a gate of knowledge is affirming that he is one of these four gates (the others, of course, being the other khulafa)

    Having said that... Imam Bukhari does not acknowledge this Hadith. And Allah knows best.

  14. Wahhabis  say that Tobanaoozbillah Quran is fabricated

    Quran 5:55] Your Wali is Allah, His Messenger, and the  believers,- those who establish regular prayers and give zakaat in Raku.

    Why Sunnis are blinded Allah knows. Hanbal is not shia scholar. HE IS WAHHABI's scholar.

    Nisa-i, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Tirmidhi, Tibrani, Tabari, and Hakim have mentioned the following words also:

    "Man kuntu mawlahu fa Aliyyun mawlahu

    Allahumma wali man walahu wa adi man adahu "

    (The English version of Shibli's Urdu translation of the above is given below):

    "Of whomsoever I am the beloved Ali is his beloved. O Allah love him who loves Ali and be hostile to him who shows hostility to Ali."

    (Siratun Nabi p. 165, 166; printed in 1352 Hijra at Mu-arif press, Azam Gad).

    Shah Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehalvi has mentioned this tradition in Madarijun Nabuwwah:

    "While addressing his companions at Ghadir Khum, the Holy Prophet said:

    'Do you not know that I am nearer to the faithful than they are themselves?"

    The Quran also says that the prophet is nearer to the faithful than they are themselves (Ahzab 6).

    'Yes, you are,' replied all of them. According to another tradition the Holy Prophet continued:

    'I have been recalled and I must comply. I am leaving behind, among you, two things, each of which is better than the other, the Quran and the Ahl ul Bayt. Be careful how you deal with them and discharge your obligation unto each of them. They shall never be separated from each other till they reach me at Kawthar. Allah is my Mawla and I am the mawla of all the faithful. (Then he took the hand of Ali in his hand and said:) O my Allah! of whomsoever I am mawla Ali is his mawla. O my Allah! Love him who loves Ali and be hostile to him who is hostile to Ali. O my Allah! Help him who helps Ali and forsake him who forsakes Ali; and turn truth to whichever side Ali turns.

    It is related that, after this address, Umar came to Ali and said: 'Greetings be to you O son of Abu Talib! Now you are the mawla of all the believing men and believing women.'

    Know you all that this tradition speaks about the honour, glory, distinction and greatness of Ali. It commands all the believers to love Ali remain attached with him, and never to malign him or to oppose him. In another tradition it has been declared that:" Will not love Ali save a true believer and will not oppose Ali save a dishonest hypocrite."

    (Minhaj al Nabuwwah p. 752 and 753, printed at Nawal Kishur, Kanpur, 1873 A.D-Urdu translation of Madarij al Nabuwwah by Shah Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dihalvi).

  15. yes its true

    Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) also said:

    "You are to me as Aaron was to Moses, only there is no prophet after me."

    "Only believers will love you and only hypocrites will hate you!"

    "You are my brother and I am your brother. If anybody asks you, tell him: I am the servant of Allah and the brother of His Messenger. No one would claim this after you but a liar."

    "Ali is with the truth, and the truth is with Ali. They will never separate until they join me at the Pool (Kawthar) in the hereafter."

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